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Demonstration of Log streaming to Time Series db in real time.

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Logs->BytewaxDataFLow->InfluxDB :

What is logs2streaminflux ?

  • It's a simulation of real time generation of logs that are streamed and batch saved into time series database called Influx.

How can I simulate log generation ?

  • Log generator does it for you automatically.

How can I save logs in the influxdb ?

  • Log processor does it for you. Be sure to go through this readme in-order to better understand how to work with InfluxDB.

Why do we want to save logs to influxdb ?

  • It's suitable when you want to perform operations on logs like aggregate sum of latency, calculate SLI and analyse log based on inbuilt InfluxDB functions.


    actor Client/Users
    participant FastAPI
    participant InfluxDB Storage
    participant LogGenerator
    participant api_requests.log
    participant Bytewax.SimplePollingSource
    participant ByteWax.DataFlow
    participant LogProcessor
    Client/Users->>FastAPI: Sends API Requests
    FastAPI->>InfluxDB Storage: Queries for log data

    LogGenerator->>api_requests.log: Generates api_requests.logs (growing over time)
    Note over LogGenerator,api_requests.log: LogGenerator simulating growing log file<br>based on a rate <br> that can be set in .env.local to facilitate streaming
    Bytewax.SimplePollingSource ->>api_requests.log: Polls to seek to EOF
    Bytewax.SimplePollingSource->>ByteWax.DataFlow: newly seeked logs
    ByteWax.DataFlow-->>LogProcessor : log stream handling
    LogProcessor->>InfluxDB Storage: Store logs in InfluxDB

Run the project

chmod +x ./ && ./

What does start.shdo ?

  • will run 4 docker containers using docker-compose, log_generator, log_processor, influx_db, api.

  • What happens when is launched:

    • we remove any previous log files to give us a fresh start.
    • we remove any data influxdb to give us a fresh start.
    • we create empty log files for service logs as well as ./src/log_generator/api_requests.log which is where log_generator service will append logs.
    • we also do some other cleanup to give us fresh start, stopping existing running containers, removing volumes for these services.
    • Next, we spin up InfluxDB which is time series nosql database, docker-compose takes care of initialising it with required credentials, bucket_name, org_name etc.
    • All metadata which is used in initialising InfluxDB is read from .env.local file.
    • We then wait for InfluxDB to be healthy.
    • We then spin up log_processor.
    • We then spin up log_generator which waits for log_processor to spin up.

Log Generator

  • log_generator starts writing logs in src/log_generator/api_requests.log automatically:
    • Log generation happens at a rate. This rate is basically LOG_BATCH_SIZE per LOG_INTERVAL_SECONDS and stops after MAX_LOGS_TO_GENERATE, you can adjust these, CTRL +C and start again
    • For example : LOG_BATCH_SIZE=1 and LOG_INTERVAL_SECONDS=60 means Log Generator will ingest one log line per 60 seconds. You can increase or decrease it but to understand the flow it's recommended to keep it at low as possible.

Log Processor

  • Once it's ready, it creates a DataFlow, waits for PollingSource to seek logs by polling every 1ms.
  • LogProcessor uses ByteWax.SimplePollingSource to poll the log file Log Generator creates (api_requests.log) and seeks to the EOF and hands over the log line to ByteWax.DataFlow.
  • The log stream is then collected using Bytewax collect feature bytewax.operators.collect.
  • There are two configs here which are important and might need re-adjusting based on how fast we want to reflect data for api users.
collected_stream = op.collect(
        "log_processor_flow", log_stream,
        timeout=timedelta(seconds=STREAM_MAX_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS), # after these many seconds all lines read by polling source, stream of list of log lines is handed over to log_handler_cls.handle_log
                                                                    # or
        max_size=STREAM_MAX_SIZE # after these many log lines read by polling source, stream of list of log lines is handed over to log_handler_cls.handle_log
  • will batch write the logs in the db.
  • log_processor is running 4 workers which can parallelize the stream work and number of workers can be passed when building the docker image as env vars.


  • Available once project starts on
  • Sample request
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

How to validate results ?

  • Hit the Api mentioned below but make sure to look for logs less src/log_generator/api_requests.log so you can validate API results with logs.
  • You can also run integration tests to validate results, read below how to run them.
  • Pro tip: reduce log frequency of log generator
  • Inside the .env.local change log generator env variables to reduce the frequency slow down logs and see clearly the flow of action.
  • You can also use this api below created to test customer stats for all customers after logs are all added in the db.
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
# Log generator

This will generate a total of 100 logs at the rate of 1 log per second.

Run Tests

  • Will run 22 tests, some of which are unit test, some are integration tests.
chmod +x ./ &&

Want to manually run tests ?

  • Test get your local setup ready for running local tests run:
chmod +x ./ &&
  • Then you can run the test as below (example):
docker exec -it log_processor python -m unittest test_logprocessor_storage_integration.TestCustomerStatsIntegration.test_log_handler_and_storage

Clean up (optional)

Clean setup if you want but it is not required as other scripts will run a clean up before doing what they need to.

chmod +x ./ && ./

  • Note: that `chmod` command is required only the first time.

Future improvements

  • Log file watching could be done better with watchdog event listeners. This PR actually integrates watchdog to watch logs here, is under experiment but seems to work great with bytewax.
  • The above PR works perfectly even at high rates of ingestion of logs like 10000 logs per second. All logs are read by watchdog, passed to bytewax via PollingSource and reached fine to db writer logic in, the only worry I had was data loss during writes about 5 to 15 logs were being lost when testing 10k writes per second.
  • InfluxDB query could be async IO but inbuilt library lacks proper support for it and data loss is widely reported during writes This PR configures async io while writing to db.
  • Latency calculations, P99 quantile calculations can easily be handled by db instead of client side (which is the case now).
  • Influxdb is built for high cardinality but re-think about db cardinality as customer_id is saved under tags which shouldn't have very high cardinality.
  • Maybe consider caching read queries ?


Demonstration of Log streaming to Time Series db in real time.






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