This application basically uses firebase,firebase authentication,cloud firestore,firestore storage and live activity push notifications.
- google authentication is provided
- live push notifications for IOS and Android
- heartbeat animation during liking of post
- cloud firestore and firebase messaging is available
- follow,unfollow user and deleting post functionality is available
- uploading images using firebase storage is present
- search functionality for other users is available
- live activity feed notifications for user
Packages Name | Usage |
firebase_auth | Authentication |
google_sign_in | Google Authentication |
cloud_firestore | Live Messaging |
firebase_storage | Storing image in firebase |
cached_network_image | Show images from the internet |
geolocator | User's live location |
timeago | Showing last moment |
image_picker | For picking image from device |
animator | Beautiful animations |
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome ! Feel free to check issues page.