- This is an iOS universal application written in Swift 4.2.
- The app populates list of planets fetched from server and persists list in local so that list can be populated in offline mode also.
- The app uses Core Data to persist list of planets.
- The app follows MVVM architecture.
- The app only uses the standard Apple iOS frameworks and does not use any third-party libraries.
- XCode 10.
- Swift 4.2.
- iOS 11 or higher.
- Could be added details screen to show full info of the planet.
- Could be added filters the list like by population, diameter, or rotation period.
- Could be added Refresh button to refresh the list if by any reason list is not populated.
- There could be sharing options by social media , Mail or by WhatsApp to share info of planets to others.
- Could be added Images of the planets.
- Could be added Paging option to load next page of data.