A set of files and codes for Taylor et al. (2023), which perform the analysis and produce the results used in the paper.
A folder containing files which are utilized in the analytics.
ana_num_res.csv: A file containing the numerically-computed tidal torques at different values, for use in validation of the tidal torques.
Comparative Analytics.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which compares the tidal and outgassing torques and saves the figure.
Jet Rotation Comparison.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which computes the non-normal outgassing torque, compares it to the tidal torque, and saves the figure.
Tidal Analytics Validation.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which validates the use of the 'dumbbell' model, reads in the numerically-computed tidal torques and compares it to the analytically-evaluated model values. Creates and saves a figure.
Jet Torque Analytics.nb: Mathematica file which demonstrates the outgassing jet torque formulae.
Rotated Jet Torque Analytics.nb: Mathematica file which demonstrates the non-normal outgassing jet torque formulae.
Tidal Torque Analytics.nb: Mathematica file which demonstrates the 'dumbbell' tidal torque formulae.
Tidal and Jet Torque Analytics Comparisons.nb: Mathematica file which compares the outgassing and the tidal torque magnitudes.\
A folder containing all figures used in the paper.
arbitrary_axis_lightcurve.pdf: Figure with the optimized light curve for the fixed-position, arbitrary-axis model, plotted with photometric data.
arbitrary_axis_residual.pdf: Figure with the residual of the optimized fixed-position, arbitrary-axis light curve versus the photometric data.
axis_classes.pdf: Figure demonstrating the unique classes of axis arrangement.
dumbbellmodel.pdf: Figure demonstrating the arrangement and variables of the 'dumbbell' model.
evolving_axis_lightcurve.pdf: Figure with the optimized light curve for the evolving-position, arbitrary-axis model, plotted with photometric data.
evolving_axis_residual.pdf: Figure with the residual of the optimized evolving-position, arbitrary-axis light curve versus the photometric data.
fixed_axis_lightcurve.pdf: Figure with the optimized light curve for the fixed-position, fixed-axis model, plotted with photometric data.
fixed_axis_residual.pdf: Figure with the residual of the optimized fixed-position, fixed-axis light curve versus the photometric data.
lomb_scargle_power.pdf: Figure with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the October and November 2017 photometric data.
ml_comp.pdf: Figure comparing the Muinonen-Lumme evolving-position, arbitrary-axis model to the fixed-position, arbitrary-axis model for different parameters.
num_lightcurve_comp.pdf: Figure comparing the fixed-position, arbitrary-axis (numerical) model to the fixed-position, fixed-axis model for different numerical parameters.
optimal_axis_aspect_ratio.pdf: Figure showing the evolution in the aspect ratios for simulations utilizing the optimized rotation axis.
optimal_axis_heatmap.pdf: Figure with a heatmap showing the convergence and change in the moment of inertia for simulations of viscosity and initial primary sizes, with optimally chosen rotation axis.
optimal_axis_lightcurve_sims.pdf: Figure showing simulated light curves at 5 points in the trajectory, incorporating changes in period and aspect ratios. Utilizes the simulations with optimally chosen rotation axis.
optimal_axis_periods.pdf: Figure showing the evolution in the periods for simulations utilizing the optimized rotation axis.
optimal_sims_lightcurve_comp.pdf: Figure showing simulated light curves over the photometric data, exclusively incorporating changes in aspect ratio. Utilizes the simulations with optimally chosen rotation axis.
outgassing_diagram.pdf: Figure showing the non-normal outgassing forces.
period_comp_hist.pdf: Figure with a histogram showing the optimized fits for the period, in October and November. A) is the periods, B) is the statistical significance of the difference between each pair.
phased_lightcurve.pdf: Figure showing the light curve datas phased against the October and November best-fit periods, demonstrating the change in period.
principal_axis_aspect_ratio.pdf: Figure showing the evolution in the aspect ratios for simulations utilizing the classes with principal rotation axis.
principal_axis_heatmap.pdf: Figure with a heatmap showing the convergence and change in the moment of inertia for simulations of viscosity and initial primary sizes, with the principal rotation axis.
principal_axis_lightcurve_sims.pdf: Figure showing simulated light curves at 5 points in the trajectory, incorporating changes in period and aspect ratios. Utilizes the simulations with classes of principal rotation axis.
principal_axis_periods.pdf: Figure showing the evolution in the periods for simulations utilizing the classes of principal rotation axis.
rot_torque_ratio.pdf: Figure comparing the tidal torque and the rotated outgassing torque.
SAMUSfig.pdf: Figure with a flowchart showing the general structure of SAMUS.
sim_chi2_heatmap.pdf: Figure with a heatmap of the Χ2 values for the optimal-axis simulated lightcurves when compared to the photometric data.
simflowchart.pdf: Figure with a flowchart of the simulation sets run in Taylor et al.
torque_ratio.pdf: Figure showing the ratio between the outgassing and tidal torques.
validation_chi2.pdf: Figure showing the Χ2 values between the best-fit curve and the synthetic data it is generated from. Used to validate the optimization method for finding the rotation axis.
validation_lightcurve.pdf: Figure showing a randomized light curve, the synthetic data from that light curve, and the best-fit curve to that data.
validation_ratio.pdf: Figure showing the ratio between the numerically computed tidal torque and the analytically computed tidal torque from the 'dumbbell' model, demonstrating their equivalence.Folder containing all of the PowerPoint files used to create figures.
Class Figure.pptx: PPT which is used to create the figure showing the classes of unique axis arrangement.
Dumbbell Figure.pptx: PPT which is used to create the figure showing the structure of the 'dumbbell' model.
Rotating Figure.pptx: PPT which is used to create the figure showing the non-normal outgassing torque.
SAMUS Figure.pptx: PPT with a flowchart showing the structure of SAMUS.
Sim Flow Chart.pptx: PPT with a flowchart showing the use of the SAMUS model in the simulations used in Taylor et al.
A folder containing files which are used to compute and model the light curves.
LightcurveFitter.ipynb: Large Jupyter Notebook which finds the optimized parameters for all models to fit the photometric data.
Folder containing the astrometric data used in this simulations.
process_data.py: Python script which reads in Horizons txt files and creates csv's with the relevant data.
2017-???-??_horizons_results.txt: JPL Horizons' txt files containing data from time periods in the file name.
2017-???-??_horizons_results.csv: csv files containing the time, heliocentric distance, geocentric distance, and phase angle of `Oumuamua, at the time periods of the file name.Folder containing the photometric data used in these analyses.
PhaseData.csv: csv file containing the phase angle data over the photometric observation period, used in the simulations.
(1I_2017U1_lightcurve_README.txt): README file for the photometric observational data. Not authorized to be shared, in the possession of Olivier Hainaut.
(1I_2017U1_lightcurve.csv): csv file containing the photometric observational data. Not authorized to be shared, in the possession of Olivier Hainaut.
A folder containing files which are used in the numerical simulations of `Oumaumua.
horizons_converter.py: Python script which converts the Horizons txt file to a csv.
horizons_results.txt: Horizons txt file for `Oumuamua's trajectory.
oumuamua_traj.csv: csv file containing `Oumuamua's trajectory information.
Optimal Axis Fit Checker.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which compares the simulated light curves versus the photometric data, for the optimized-axis simulations.
Optimal Axis Simulation Analysis.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which analyzes the moments of inertia and the periods from the optimized-axis simulations.
Optimal Axis Simulation Lightcurve Sim.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which creates simulated light curves from the optimized-axis simulations.
Principal Axis Simulation Analysis.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which analyzes the moments of inertia and the periods from the principal-axis simulations.
Principal Axis Simulation Lightcurve Sim.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook which creates simulated light curves from the principal-axis simulations.
runoptsims.sh: BASH script which creates screens and runs the optimal-axis simulations simultaneously.
runprincsims.sh: BASH script which creates screens and runs principal-axis simulations simultaneously. \A folder containing the output log files from the simulations.
Outputs_pancake_a??_?.csv: csv file containing the outputs from the simulations, computed from the optimized-axis simulations. Has the size given in a??, and a viscosity of 10?, where ? is the last number in the file name.
Outputs_pancake_a??_?.txt: txt file containing the simulation running status, from the optimized-axis simulations. Has the size given in a??, and a viscosity of 10?, where ? is the last number in the file name.
Outputs_pancake?_a??_?.csv: csv file containing the outputs from the simulations, computed from the principal-axis simulations. The number directly after 'pancake' is the axis arrangement class. Has the size given in a??, and a viscosity of 10?, where ? is the last number in the file name.
Outputs_pancake?_a??_?.txt: txt file containing the simulation running status, from the principal-axis simulations. The number directly after 'pancake' is the axis arrangement class. Has the size given in a??, and a viscosity of 10?, where ? is the last number in the file name.A folder containing the scripts which run the simulations.
optwrapper?.py: Python scripts which run the optimal-axis simulations.
princwrapper?.py: Python scripts which run the principal-axis simulations.
Aster Taylor
astertaylor@uchicago.edu | aster.taylor8587@gmail.com
University of Chicago, Department of Astrophysics