We meet every Tuesday at:
- 12:00 until 13:00 (UTC + 0)
The Zoom link has been emailed to the group.
NOTE: we will have a review of arxiv on the 10th december and there is no journal club on the 17th December. We will be restarting on 7th January.
- Presentation of chosen paper (~30 mins)
- Discussion
- Other papers from the week
To generate additional entries for the rota, use scripts/rota.py
Date | Presenter |
2025-03-04 | Andy |
2025-03-11 | Jiachen |
2025-03-18 | Darius |
2025-03-25 | Fergus |
2025-04-01 | Tom |
2025-04-08 | Gloria |
2025-04-15 | Belinda |
2025-04-22 | Easter |
2025-04-29 | Andy |
2025-05-06 | Arxiv |
2025-05-13 | Jiachen |
Discussed Papers:
The X-ray Integral Field Unit at the end of the Athena reformulation phase (Peille et al., 02-2025)
- Redesign of X-IFU, (one of the) primary science instrument on NewAthena
- New 'simple' cooling system - Passive cooling to 50k.
- Adiabetic cooling to ~ few mK at the focal plane.
Flip-flop QPO changes during state transitions: a case study of GX339-4 and theoretical discussion (Buisson et al., 02-2025)
- Interesting QPO case of flipping types
Presented Paper:
The JWST View of Cygnus A: Jet-Driven Coronal Outflow with a Twist (Ogle et al., 02-2025)
- Radio-jet Feedback & Galaxy Star Formation. Jet impact depends on age, power and geometry.
- JWST and Keck observations
- Chandra X-rays fill the apparent open cone.
- AGN core in polarised light, X-rays highly obscured
$$N_H \sim 10^{23} \text{cm}^{-2}$$ . - Hot dust in inner torus produce continuum at
$$>2\mu \text{m}$$ - 94 ionized emission lines - consistent with AGN photoionization
- Radio jet clearing and emptying cone
- Quickly-moving [Fe-II] clump in western cone
- Outflow
$$\sim 250\text{km s}^{-1}$$ - Clump may be line of sight - high velocity absorption lines
- High velocity could be due to radiation pressure in centre
- [Fe-II] clump has
$$\sim 40M_{\odot}\text{yr}^{-1}$$ and mass$$1.1\times10^8$$ - Velocity field, spiral outflow models show rotating cone around radio axis.
- Line splitting in model
- Spiral Outflow: AGN/jet driven or residual roation from infalling gas
- AGN/jet driven model needs a secondary driving force to maintain velocity - unlikely?
- residual rotation requires puffed-up disk (e.g. Muhkerjee+2018). Disk velocity needs sub-keplerian but not observed.
Discussed Papers: A New Interpretation for the Hot Corona in Active Galactic Nuclei (Zhao et al., 02-2025)
- Magnetically reconnecting layer above accretion disk
- Allows investigation betwen height of corona and X-ray luminosity
- Very nice cartoon diagrams for magnetic reconnection
- Implementations could be used in
- Similar to jet sheath model A relativistic outflow model of the X-ray polarization in Cyg X-1 (Dexter, Begelman, 08-2023)
- Similar to hyperbolic corona Modeling fast X-ray variability around an accreting black hole (Zhan et al., 02-2025) Dust beyond the torus: Revealing the mid-infrared heart of local Seyfert ESO 428-G14 with JWST/MIRI (Haidar et al., 04-2024)
- Seyfert II AGN & Compton Thick in X-rays
- IR (warmer) dust emission from jet axis being heated by jet radiation
- Radially driven dusty winds Is the Spin of the Black Hole in GX 339-4 Negative? (Zdziarski et al., 12-2024)
- Potential selection bias from fits
- Dramatically different results from similar selections Links to Fifty Years After the Discovery of the First Stellar-Mass Black Hole: A Review of Cyg X-1 (Jiang, 11-2024)
- X-ray & GW binary detection spin discrepency
- BH HMXBs unlikely to be GW binary BH
Discused Papers: Not enough time to go through them so they will be discussed briefly next week
Presented Paper: Multi-wavelength observations of a jet launch in real time from the post-changing-look Active Galaxy 1ES 1927+654 (Laha, et al., 01-2025) Slides available here: Gloria_Raharimbolamena_Preprint_04_Feb_25.pdf
- Jet launch mechanism from a Changing-look AGN
- Rapid accretion mode
- 1ES1927+654, QPO activity.
- Acts differently to other AGN. No optical-UV correlation from flares
- Object has 'true type II AGN pre-outburst'
- Steep initial spectrum of
$$\Gamma\sim2.4$$ - Steepening power law during flaring (reaching
$$\Gamma>3$$ during radio flaring) - Indications of sources other than UV accretion
- Soft excess increasing in flux
- Blackbody model best fits the soft excess
- No significant Optical or UV variability
- High colimation suggest Blanford-Zanjek (BZ) lauch mechanism (Using BH roational energy)
- Outflow speeds suggest
$$0.2c$$ , a BP mechanism would need launch distance$$<10r_g$$ . Low speed for BZ, could indicate inclination angle - Kinetic power of jet suggests near 100% efficiency of BZ.
- Magnetic field well above equiparition
- Origin of new soft excess is unique and not found in RQ-AGN. Possibly due to magnetic energy & jet emission
- The (near-)concurance of QPO and jet signals shows similarities with BH binaries
- Radio flare delay due to a screen of hot gas
- This type of QPO acitivity never observed in AGN.
Discussed Papers: No Papers discussed due to time constraints. Noted papers will be discussed at a later date
Presented: SAUNAS II: Discovery of Cross-shaped X-ray Emission and a Rotating Circumnuclear Disk in the Supermassive S0 Galaxy NGC 5084 (Borlaff et al., 08-2024)
- Radio observations reveal low polarization degree but assumed from beam depolarization and therefore ignored in this study.
- SNe feedback, AGN & Galactic winds to explain some soft excess
- Reduction with SAUNAS pipeline (Borlaff et al., 05-2024) which includeds standard reduction, PSF modelling and deconvolution and low surface brightness estimations.
- Included in SUNAS is bootstrapping and MC simulations for error estimation and Voronoi binning.
- NGC 5085 is at
$$z=$$ so$$20 kpc \sim 2.9"$$ -
$$5\sigma$$ detection of emission perpendicular to galaxy. -
$$3\sigma$$ detection parallel to disk of galaxy - Highly inclinated circumnuclear disk
- Jet changing orientation of
$$\sim90\deg$$ possibly but unlikely? Would likely need external influence (mergers) - fig 8. shows nice cartoon of potential causes for a change of orientation
- Outflow appears to have stopped. Stellar population should be young but blue emission not seen
- Stellar age is
$$>Gyr$$ - Binary SMBH
- Potential causes for X-shaped emission: AGN re-orientation, overpressurised coccoon or faded starburst.
Discussed Papers:
- 25 years of XMM-Newton observations of the Sgr A complex: 3D distribution and internal structure of the clouds (Stel et al., 01-2025)
- 3D mapping of Sgr A clouds to generate complex cloud compositions and models.
- The properties of GSN 069 accretion disk from a joint X-ray and UV spectral analysis: stress-testing quasi-periodic eruption models (Guolo et al., 01-2025)
- Looks at TDE
- X-ray Dips and Polarization Angle Swings in GX 13+1 (Di Marco et al., 01-2025)
- Polarisation angle is changing over time
- Markarian 590: The AGN Awakens (Palit et al., 01-2025)
- A changing look AGN that is awakening to a type 1
- Soft X-ray jump of factor of about 10
- Complexes in optical spectra
- Multi-wavelength observations of a jet launch in real time from the post-changing-look Active Galaxy 1ES 1927+654 (Laha et al., 01-2025)
- Jet swicth on and QPO
Presented Paper:
Continuum Reverberation in Active Galactic Nuclei Disks Only With Sufficient X-ray Luminosity and Low Albedo (Secunda et al., 01-2025)
- Weakly correlated X-ray & UV light curves -> Problematic for the standard Reverberation Mapping models
- Mechanisms could be instrinsic uv-optical variability in disk
- Model turbulance & cross-sections
- Line opacity can affect models
- ATHENA++ code
- Intensity set by lightcurve
- Curve dominated by scattering opacity
- Temperature dependant opacity
- Closer PSD of X-ray irradiation to DWR, more X-ray supress UV emission
- Decreasing X-ray flux leads to lower X-ray & UV correlations
- Variability driven by AGN disk
- Higher order models with different reprocessing ratios could be a better fit
- Test 1 day time lag: reconstained 1 day lag from JAVILIN method
- Need sophisticated opacity models for stronger correlations.
Modelling the Multiwavelength Variability of Mrk 335 using Gaussian Processes (Griffiths et al., 07-2021)
- Time lags & reprocessed emission
Discussed Papers:
- The NewAthena mission concept in the context of the next decade of X-ray astronomy (Cruise et al., 08-2024)
- NewAthena Redefinition article on Nature Astronomy.
- Insight into the Starburst Nature of Galaxy GN-z11 with JWST MIRI Spectroscopy (Álvarez-Márquez et al., 12-2024)
- See the closed issue for 14th January for relavane background papers.
- AT2021aeuk: A Repeating Partial Tidal Disruption Event Candidate in a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 (Jingbo et al., 01-2025)
- A TDE in NLS1.
- The size of accretion disks from self-consistent X-ray spectra and UV/optical/NIR photometry fitting: applications to ASASSN-14li and HLX-1 (Guolo & Mummery, 01-2025)
- Github code available here
- X-ray Dips and Polarization Angle Swings in GX 13+1 (Di Marco at al., 01-2025)
- looks at the Polarisation in LMXRB GX13+1. Model proposed includes obscuration regions and steep inclination.
- Astronomical X-ray Polarimetry as a diagnostic for questions of fundamental Physics. What we learned from the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) (Soffitta & Costa, 12-2024)
- RTFAST-Spectra: Emulation of X-ray reverberation mapping for active galactic nuclei (Ricketts et al., 12-2024)
- Analytical ray-tracing of synchrotron emission around accreting black holes (Veledina & Pélissier, 12-2024) Presented Paper:
- An Exceptionally Powerful, Radiatively Driven Ultrafast Outflow in the Rapidly Accreting AGN REJ1034+396 (Taylor et al., 12-2025)
- Approximately 1Ms of observatons on a rapidly accreting AGN with XMM.
- Modelled by steep emission from corona and relativisitic blurred reflection from the AD.
- Evidience of an UFO.
- The outflow could be capable of driving out most gas and dust.
Discussed Papers: Not necessarily discussed in great detail but mentioned were:
- Impact of radiative cooling on the magnetised geometrically thin accretion disk around Kerr black hole (Dihingia et al., 05-2023)
- A simplified approach for reproducing fully relativistic spectra in X-ray binary systems: Application to Cygnus X-1 (Papavasileiou et al., 08-2024)
Presented: Fifty Years After the Discovery of the First Stellar-Mass Black Hole: A Review of Cyg X-1 (Jiang, 11-2024)
- Cyg X-1 is 1st known Stellar Mass BH known and hosts
$20 M_\odot$ BH with$40 M_\odot$ companion star. One of a few High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) - Review goes through physics beind measurements in useful detail.
- BH-BH merger candiadate
- First instance of HMXB using typical AGN models
- 3% probability to observe BH >
$35 M_{\odot}$ and 0.6% of HMXB GW source within hubble time. - Harder X-ray for low luminosity states
- Disk emissivity profile indicates compact corona (~5-7
$r_g$ ) but still unknown geometry. - Over-polarise, expected 1% but found 4%, this suggests a higher material speed and thus higher scattering cross-section. The jet may also help produce these observations.
- polarisation aligns with radio jet over AU scales.
- Corona geometries are source dependent and testing models should not rule out other models.
- Polarisation angle changes at higher energies. Possibly higher polarisation degree for emission closer to BH, consistent with very high BH spin.
- Fe lines seen in LMXB are not seen in Cyg X-1
- Emmission above 511 keV constarined by pair-production and produces a peak, the annihilation line is always present in Cyg X-1 models. Doppler broadening allows for higher
$e^-$ temperature. - Non-thermal emission from jet and corona
- In the high density model, free-free absorption is important.
Discussed papers: We very briefly mentioned some of the papers that were lightly discussed last week although not in great detail:
- X-ray polarization from accretion disk winds (Nitindala et al., 11-2024)
- Polarization of synchrotron radiation from blazar jets (Boris et al., 11-2024)
- New Insights with XRISM & Cloudy: A novel Column Density Diagnostic (Gunasekera et al., 11-2024)
We discussed a few other papers in a little more detail.
Feedback from Intermediate Mass Black Holes on Dwarf Galaxy Morphology at z = 2 (Bi et al., 12-2024)
- Looking at IMBHs with AGN feedback influencing gas fraction, SF and galaxy structrue.
- Potential need for low-z diagnostics for high-z.
- Also looked at JWST pixelation effects.
Physical Pathways for JWST-Observed Supermassive Black Holes in the Early Universe (Jeon et al., 02-2024)
- Looking at masses of AGN compared to the stellar mass and different ratios.
- Investigates direct collapse black holes.
Lack of Rest-frame UV Variability in Little Red Dots Based on HST and JWST Observations (Tee et al., 12-2024)
- V-shaped SEDs appear less variable
- Possible heavy AGN obsuration
- No variability suggests stellar contributions
Probing orbits of stellar mass objects deep in galactic nuclei with quasi-periodic eruptions (Zhou et al., 05-2024)
- useful figures
- QPEs from TDE & stellar mass object collisions
- Looks at example GSN 069
A Comprehensive Hadronic Code Comparison for Active Galactic Nuclei (Cerruti et al,. 11-2024)
- SED comparisons with blazars
- comparing different models
Presented paper:
The Study of Jet Formation Mechanism in Fermi Blazars (Xie et al., 2024)
- Presentation slides are available here
- A study of 937 Blazars studied for jet formation mechanisms
- Jet power could come from the rotational energy of BH (BZ mdoel) or AD (BP model)
- Study finds no significant relationship between jet power and accretion rate. Possible week relationship for FSQR
- Adding BH mass gets stronger relationship (using F-test)
- BH more important in fueling jets than AD
- Neitehr BZ or BP fully explain jet-powering of blazars but
$P_{jet}$ observations are difficult. - FSRQ from BP (not BZ sufficient), BL Lacs could be BZ model
- BL Lacs ADAF dominated, for FSRQs standard disk dominates.
- BZ MAD disk model in BL Lacs
Other papers:
- X-ray polarization from accretion disk winds (Nitindala et al., 2024)
- Scattering in winds reproduces polarization results
- Casts doubts on accretion disk geometries
- A Short-lived Rejuvenation during the Decades-long Changing-look Transition in the Nucleus of Mrk 1018 (et al., 2024)
- Full cycle of transitions observed
Presented paper:
On the Morphology of Relativistically Broadened Line Emission from Axisymmetric Equatorial Accretion Disks (Gates et al., 2024)
- Uses geometrically thin, equatorial disk models & describes how to determine emission line morphologies from redshift and accretion disk patterns.
- Very interesting figures, Fig 1 maps different redshifted emission within in the disk to structure of emission line.
- Looks at an infinitely far outer disk radius (removing outer-outer and outer-inner paths) then at finite outer disk radius.
- Critical points dictating central regions
- Also compared different disk models: "Cunningham" model (with inter-ISCO contributions), and non-Keplerian (towards slim-disc) models, but keeping the same geometry. Overall effect of Cunningham model can be large depending on inclination, but for non-Keplerian is a stretching of the location of the critical values.
- Red-tail could overestimate very high BH spin if material is not inside the ISCO
- Changing keplarian factor by
$5%$ can change line profile features, but more pronounced at blueshifted side.
Other papers:
- Precession and Split of Tilted, Geometrically Thin Accretion Disk: an Analytical Study (Shen et al., 2024)
- This paper looks at cork-screw jet precessions in relation to the accretion disk.
- Outgoing electromagnetic flux from rotating wormholes (Urtubey et al., 2024)
- On the predictions from Einstein's field equation
- Changing Look AGN: An X-ray Look (Titarchuk et al., 2024)
- Looking at comptonization evolution of NGC 1566 X-ray sepctra
Presented paper:
X-ray reverberation modelling of the continuum, optical/UV time-lags in quasars (Langis et al., 2024)
- Investigating variation that is wavelength dependent. UV/optical variations are well correlated
- Initial 191 AGN sample and using a G-band reference.
- Spread in time delay from BH mass.
- Model assumes thin disk & lamppost model with either spin 1 or spin 0.
- Skin of hot electrons compton scatter a blackbody.
- High source height for disk illumination (observation consistent?)
- Different BLR x-rays & Balmer jump at 4000
$\mathring{A}$ - Interesting
$\chi^2$ values
Discussed papers:
- Three similar papers on applying ray-tracing to image different types of black holes.
- Observational features of the rotating Bardeen black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter (He et al., 2024)
- Shadow Images of Ghosh-Kumar Rotating Black Hole Illuminated By Spherical Light Sources and Thin Accretion Disks (Yang et al., 2024)
- Image of the Kerr–Newman Black Hole Surrounded by a Thin Accretion Disk (Guo et al., 2024)
Comparing indirect methods for black hole masses in AGN: the good, the bad, and the ugly (Gliozzi et al., 2023)
- Comparing different methods, such as the
$M-\sigma_*$ relation with dynamical methods and have generated a correcting factor. - Conducted on an 'unbiased', volume-limited and hard X-ray selected sample.
- Comparing different methods, such as the
Discussed Papers:
Effects of ultra-fast outflows on X-ray time lags in AGN (Xu et al., 2024)
- They observe 3 AGN with UFOs between
$0.03-0.3$ c - Disk fluctuations in cold (soft) and hot (hard) X-rays
- Low frequency hard-lags suppression in UFO states
- Magnetically Driven Accretion Disk Winds and Ultra-fast Outflows in PG 1211+143 (Keigo et al., 2015)
- They observe 3 AGN with UFOs between
The XRISM/Resolve view of the Fe K region of Cyg X-3 (XRISM Collaboration, 2024)
- Wind-focused BH
- Orbital period ~5hrs
X-Ray View of Little Red Dots: Do They Host Supermassive Black Holes? (Ananna et al., 2024)
- Large uncertanties
- Compton thick
- X-ray column density
$n_H\gtrsim10^{25}$ $\text{cm}^{-2}$ - JWST inconsistent with
$n_H\sim10^{21}$ $\text{cm}^{-2}$
- X-ray column density
- AGN interpretation prefered in UNCOVER Spectroscopy Confirms the Surprising Ubiquity of Active Galactic Nuclei in Red Sources at z > 5 (Greene et al., 2024) but SF could fit.
A small and vigorous black hole in the early Universe (Maiolino et al., 2024)
- SMBH faster growth than stellar mass
Keeping up to date with papers:
- Benty-fields: Uses ML to give papers heirachy
- ADS emails: Sorts by key words - regular email updates
Discussed Papers:
- The XRISM/Resolve view of the Fe K region of Cyg X-3 (XRISM Collaboration, 2024).
- Really nice detailed spectrum with a lot of Fe absorption and emission lines observed.
- Little Red Dots: an abundant population of faint AGN at z∼5 revealed by the EIGER and FRESCO JWST surveys (Matthee, et al., 2024)
- A paper hinting towards the seeing early AGN feedback and early SMBH growth being highlt obscured.
- Deep Chandra Observations of NGC 5728. III: Probing the High-Resolution X-ray Morphology and Multiphase ISM Interactions in the Circumnuclear Region (Falcao, et al., 2024)
- A paper looking at ISM interactions within a Seyfert 2 galaxy likely from X-ray binaries
- Structural Decomposition of Merger-Free Galaxies Hosting Luminous AGNs (Fahey, et al., 2024)
- Investigates AGN evolution in merger-free galaxies. A weak correlations between bulge & SMBH masses, and for stellar & SMBH masses observed for disk-dominated galaxies.
Presented paper:
X-Ray View of Little Red Dots: Do They Host Supermassive Black Holes? (Ananna, et al., 2024)
- Unknown reason for JWST-observed 'little red dots', with flux either AGN dominated, young star formation dominated or both.
- Over 100 Chandra observations of lensing cluster Abell 2744 equating up to
$\approx 2$ Ms or$\approx90$ Ms stacked. - No significant detection until broad-line
$H\alpha$ galaxies are stacked. - Possibly Compton thick AGN to explain non-detections.
- Results from X-ray and NIR suggest scaling relations from virial relations may not be applicable at high redshift.
- LRDs likely either do not contain overmassive SMBHs or accrete at a low eddington rate.
- Also discussed was UNCOVER Spectroscopy Confirms the Surprising Ubiquity of Active Galactic Nuclei in Red Sources at z > 5 (Greene, et al., 2024)
- Shows a absorbed component and either AGN scattering or star formation to contribute to the UV.
Discussed the following papers:
- Evidence of a toroidal magnetic field in the core of 3C82 Paraschos et al., 2024
- Spectral index variation across X-shaped radio galaxies Petra et al., 2023
- A simple model of globally magnetized accretion discs Begelman, 2024
- Joining the Dots: High Redshift Black holes King, 2024
- Amoeba: An AGN Model of Optical Emissions Beyond steady-state Accretion discs H. Best, et al., 2024
Also discussed was the EHT blog on the recent (independent) re-analysis of the Sgr A* EHT image from 2017 by Miyoshi, et al., 2024.
- Probing the high frequency variability of NGC 5044: the key to AGN feedback Schellenberger, et al., 2024
Discussed the following papers:
- Modelling absorption and emission profiles from accretion disc winds with WINE Luminari, et al., 2024
- Bridging Scales: Coupling the galactic nucleus to the larger cosmic environment Su, et al., 2024
- MAXI J1820+070 with NuSTAR I. An increase in variability frequency but a stable reflection spectrum: coronal properties and implications for the inner disc in black hole binaries Buisson, et al., 2019 (Discussed from presented paper)
- Are the shape and flux of X-ray reflection spectra in hard state consistent with an accretion disk reaching close to the black hole? Datta et al. 2024
Discussed the following papers:
- Mildly Super-Eddington Accretion Onto Slowly-Spinning Black Holes Explains the X-Ray Weakness of the Little Red Dots (Pacucci & Narayan, 2024)
- Reverberation Mapping of Lamp-post and Wind Structures in Accretion Thin Disks (Hang-Hsu Chan, et al., 2024)
- Microquasars to AGNs: An uniform Jet variability (Sharma, et al, 2024)
- Mergers, Radio Jets, and Quenching Star-Formation in Massive Galaxies: Quantifying their Synchronized Cosmic Evolution & Assessing the Energetics (Heckman & Roy, 2024)
- The stress at the ISCO of black-hole accretion discs is not a free parameter (Lasota & Abramowicz, 2024)
Discussed the following papers:
- X-Ray Weak AGNs from Super-Eddington Accretion onto Infant Black Holes Madau & Haardt, 2024
- The Case for Super-Eddington Accretion: Connecting Weak X-ray and UV Line Emission in JWST Broad-Line AGN During the First Gyr of Cosmic Time Lambrides, et al., 2024
- The size of accretion disks from self-consistent X-ray spectra + UV/optical/NIR photometry fitting: applications to ASASSN-14li and HLX-1 Guolo & Mummery, 2024.
Discussed the following papers:
- The effects of instrumental deadtime on NICER timing products Webbe & Young, 2024
- Self-Consistent Disk-Reflection Analysis of the Black-Hole Candidate X-ray Binary MAXI J1813-095 with NICER, Swift, Chandra, and NuSTAR Ubach et al., 2024
- Magnetic flux inversion in a peculiar changing look AGN Scepi et al., 2020 (in reference to 1ES 1927+654)
- A New Broadband Spectral State in the Ultraluminous X-ray Source Holmberg IX X-1 Walton et al., 2024, compared to NGC 1313 X-1 and 1ES 1927+654
Discussed the followings papers:
- Not-so-little Red Dots: Two Massive and Dusty Starbursts at z ∼ 5–7 Pushing the Limits of Star Formation Discovered by JWST in the COSMOS-Web Survey Gentile et al., 2024
- Black Hole Accretion is all about Sub-Keplerian Flows Chakrabarti 2024
- Close encounters of the primordial kind: A new observable for primordial black holes as dark matter Tung et al., 2024
- 2MASX J00423991+3017515: An offset active galactic nucleus in an interacting system Drew Hogg et al., 2021
Discussed the followings papers:
- "Next Generation Accretion Disk Reflection Model: High-Density Plasma Effects" Ding et al., 2024
- Supermassive Black Holes from AU to Megaparsec YouTube
- Mapping the circumnuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer Ursini et al., 2023
- "Multi-Phase Thermal Structure & The Origin of the Broad-Line Region, Torus, and Corona in Magnetically-Dominated Accretion Disks" Hopkins 2024