Auxiliary data repository for Phosphoros template fitting tool.
When launching Phosphoros GUI, it will check if a newer data package is available here and ask your confirmation for performing an update if needed.
Phosphoros provide a tool for handling the data package. To get the details of its usage run:
> Phosphoros update_data_package --help
The data packages are expected to be named following
where = major.minor (as exemple 0.1, 1.0, 2.4, ...)
they should contains the AuxiliaryData folders: the Filters, ReddeningCurves and SEDs, filled with actual data
The packages must be placed into the Data directory and the last_version.html must contains the
├── Data
│ ├── AuxiliaryData_0.1.tar.xz
│ └── AuxiliaryData_0.2.tar.xz
└── last_version.html
We store also in this repository a set of files to be used in a quick start tutorial. The files are packaged in a .tar located in the QuickStartData folder.