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An Interactive CLI Tool for WSO2 Product Configurations


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An interactive CLI tool for WSO2 Servers


[:rotating_light: :construction: Continuing with Hydrogen Core and CLI]


A command line tool to alter and configure fresh packs of WSO2 products for different requirements. The hydrogen supports to perform the following alterations and configurations ...

  • Replace H2 databases of WSO2 IS with other supported databases
  • Configure API manager for distributed deployment
  • Configure API manager and IS as Keymanager

& more on the way.

Checkout for more on Hydrogen WiKi & Hydrogen Project.

Table of Contents

Install & Run

You don't need to install NodeJS to use the hydrogen, since the packages and dependencies are compressed and provided as tar objects. If in need to rebuild and use the hydrogen, then the recomended version of NodeJS is v8.9. { Node v8.9.0 Recomended }

Download the tar file according to your environment from here. Extract and place it in your favourite location and set the $PATH variable to point the /bin folder of hydrogen.

To verify, fire up a terminal and execute the following command

hydrogen --version


If you encounter a similar error trace as following while running the tool, Please follow the given steps to solve it.

Error: /node_modules/libxmljs/build/xmljs.node: invalid ELF header
	at bindings (~/node_modules/bindings/bindings.js:84:48)
	at Object.<anonymous> (~/node_modules/libxmljs/lib/bindings.js:1:99)
  • Check your locally installed Node version. If you have no Node installed or if you have any higher versions than v8.9, then install Node v8.9.0 using NVM (nvm helps to manage and run different node versions)
  • Delete the node_modules folder from the hydrogen directory (extracted directory)
  • Execute npm install from the root path of hydrogen

This will reinstall all defined dependencies and builds to work with your environment as well as with NodeJS v8.9.0 environment.


Below listed are the available commands and descriptions of hydrogen.

All altered configurations are commented with HYDROGENERATED: keyword. If you want to list all the applied alterations, open a configured node and search for the keyword HYDROGENERATED: to list all the altered configurations.


To list available commands of Datasource, execute hydrogen datasource --help.

Alter datasources of WSO2 products (fresh-pack) with supported datasource vendors

  $ hydrogen [COMMAND]

  Alter datasource configurations of WSO2 products based on your preference.

  List all available datasource commands using
  $ hydrogen datasource --help

  $ hydrogen datasource:is [FLAGS] [ARGS]

  datasource:is  Alter datasources of WSO2 IS products (fresh-pack) with supported datasource models

Datasource commands are used to replace the default shipped H2 databases with other supported databases.

NOTE : As present the hydrogen only supports replacing the H2 databases of WSO2 IS packs (v5.7) and later will be expanded to cover other supported versions and products.

Click here to jump to the WSO2 Identity Server related datasource commands.

For more information on changing the H2 databases and configurations of WSO2 Packs, visit here.


To list available commands of datasource:is, run hydrogen datasource:is --help.

Alter datasources of WSO2 IS products (fresh-pack) with supported datasource models

  $ hydrogen datasource:is [FLAGS] [ARGS]

  -r, --replace                           replace h2 datasource
  -c, --container                         create docker container for datasource
  -d, --datasource=postgres|mysql|oracle  (required) datasource type
  -g, --generate                          generate databases and tables in the container
  -v, --version=5.7                       (required) [default: 5.7] wso2is product version

  Alter datasource configurations of WSO2 IS products based on your preference.

  As of now, Hydrogen only supports replacing the default H2 datasource with a variety
  of available supported datasource models. To replace the default shipped H2 datasource,
  use --replace (-r) and pass supported datasource with --datasource flag (--datasource mysql).

  Replace H2 with Postgres
  $ hydrogen datasource:is --replace -v 5.7 -d postgres
  Replace H2 with Postgres and generate a container for database
  $ hydrogen datasource:is --replace -v 5.7 -d postgres --container --generate

datasource:is commands are used to replace the default shipped H2 databases of WSO2 IS packs with other supported databases.

As present the hydrogen only supports replacing the H2 databases of WSO2 IS packs (v5.7) with

  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • Oracle

databases, and later will be expanded to cover other supported databases and versions.

The datasource:is commands also do support to generate Docker containers with databases and tables while configuring the WSO2 packs. Below are the supported databases to generate Docker containers

  • Posgres : v9.6

For usages and examples, navigate to here.


To list available commands of Distribute, execute hydrogen distribute --help.

Configure WSO2 products for distributed deployments

  $ hydrogen [COMMAND]

  Configure WSO2 products for supported distributed deployment setups.

  As of now, Hydrogen only supports WSO2 APIM products to distribute it in either 5 nodes
  distributed setup or as publish through multiple gateway setup.

  List all available distribute commands using
  $ hydrogen distribute --help

  $ hydrogen distribute:am [FLAGS] [ARGS]

  distribute:am  Configure WSO2 APIM products (fresh-pack) for distributed deployments

Distribute commands are used to configure the WSO2 packs for distributed deployment setups.

NOTE : As present the hydrogen only supports distributed WSO2 API Manager packs (v2.6) and later will be expanded to cover other supported versions and distributions.

Click here to jump to the WSO2 API Manager related distribute commands.

For more information on configuring WSO2 API Manager for distributed environments, visit here.


Configure WSO2 APIM products (fresh-pack) for distributed deployments

  $ hydrogen distribute:am

  -D, --distributed                      5 node distributed setup
  -I, --is-km                            IS as Keymanager setup
  -M, --multiple-gateway                 publish through multiple gateway
  -c, --container                        create docker container for datasource
  -d, --datasource=mssql|mysql|postgres  (required) datasource type
  -g, --generate                         generate database and tables in run-time created container

  Configure WSO2 APIM products for distributed deployments setup based on your preference.

  As of now, Hydrogen only supports configurations for 5 node distributed deployment setup,
  and publish through multiple-gateway node setup. For 5 node distribution, use --distributed (-D)
  flag, and for multiple-gateway node, use --multiple-gateway (-M) flag.

  Configure APIM for 5 node distributed setup
  $ hydrogen distribute:am -D -v 2.6
  Configure APIM for publish through multiple-gateway setup
  $ hydrogen distribute:am -M -v 2.6
  Configure APIM with IS-KM setup with Postgres datasource
  $ hydrogen distribute:am --is-km -v 2.6 --datasource postgres
  Configure APIM with IS-KM setup and generate container for database
  $ hydrogen distribute:am --is-km -v 2.6 --datasource postgres --container --generate

distribute:am commands are used to configure the WSO2 API Manager packs for distributed deployment setups.

As present the hydrogen only supports configuring distributed setups for WSO2 API Manager (v2.6) packs with

  • 5 node distributed deployment
  • Publish through multiple gateways
  • IS as Keymanager

setups, and later will be expanded to cover other supported deployment patterns and configurations.

NOTE : The distribute:am commands are not enhanced to create databases and to generate containers for databases and tables for the distributed environments.


Datasource Examples

  • Need to configure WSO2 IS v5.7 with Postgres by replacing the default shipped H2 Carbon database

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 IS v5.7

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the extracted WSO2 IS pack

    • Execute the following

      # inside wso2is-5.7.0
      hydrogen datasource:is --replace --datasource postgres --version 5.7
  • Need to configure WSO2 IS v5.7 with Postgres by replacing the default shipped H2 Carbon database and also to generate a Docker container with databases

    NOTE : Docker images are not pulled from the DockerHub (as of now in beta version & will be added as enhancement in near future). Prior to execute the command pull the Postgres:9.6.14 image from DockerHub

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 IS v5.7

    • Start the Docker service in your environment (if you don't have Docker intalled, install Docker before executing the command to work without any errors)

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the extracted WSO2 IS pack

    • Execute the following

      # inside wso2is-5.7.0
      hydrogen datasource:is --replace --datasource postgres --version 5.7 --container --generate

      The above command will create a Postgres Docker container with a random name (an animal name) with the databases and tables.

  • Need to configure WSO2 API Manager v2.6 with Postgres by replacing the default shipped H2 Carbon database (WSO2 AM DB)

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 AM v2.6

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the extracted WSO2 AM pack

    • Execute the following

      #inside wso2am-2.6.0
      hydrogen datasource:am --replace --datasource postgres --version 2.6
  • Need to configure WSO2 API Manager v2.6 pack with Postgres by replacing the default shipped H2 Carbon database (WSO2 AM DB) and also to generate a Docker container for Postgre with databases

    • Download and extract a fresh pack pf WSO2 AM v2.6

    • Start the Docker service in your environment (if you don't have Docker installed, install Docker before executing the command to work without any errors)

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the extracted WSO2 AM pack

    • Execute the following

      #inside wso2am-2.6.0
      hydrogen datasource:am --setup --datasource postgres --version 2.6 --container --generate

      The above command will create a Postgres Docker container with a random name (an animal name) including the databases and tables for apimgt, userdb, and regdb.

Distribute Examples

  • Need to configure a 5 node distributed setup with WSO2 API Manager v2.6 pack and Postgres datasource

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 API Manager v2.6 inside a new directory (only containing the extracted WSO2 API Manager pack)

      - MyNewFolder
      	|- wso2am-2.6.0
    • Open terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the extracted WSO2 APIM pack

    • Execute the following

      # inside MyNewFolder
      hydrogen distribute:am --distributed --version 2.6 --datasource postgres

      The above command will create a new folder named distributed and places all configured 5 nodes within it.

  • Need to configure a 5 node distributed setup with WSO2 API Manager v2.6 pack and also to generate a Docker container for Postgres datasource

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 API Manager v2.6 inside a new directory (only containing the extracted WSO2 API Manager pack)

      - MyNewFolder
      	|- wso2am-2.6.0
    • Open terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the extracted WSO2 APIM pack

    • Execute the following

      # inside MyNewFolder
      hydrogen distribute:am --distributed --version 2.6 --datasource postgres --container --generate

      The above command will create a new folder named distributed and places all configured 5 nodes within it and also generates a Docker container for Postgres datasource.

  • Need to configure WSO2 API Manager v2.6 for publish through multiple-gateway setup.

    • Download and extract a fresh pack of WSO2 API Manager v2.6 inside a new directory (only the extracted WSO2 API Manager pack)

      - MyNewFolder
      	|- wso2am-2.6.0
    • Open terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the extracted WSO2 APIM pack

    • Execute the following

      # inside MyNewFolder
      hydrogen distribute:am --multiple-gateway --version 2.6

      The above command will create a new folder named distributed and places all configured nodes within it.

  • Need to configure WSO2 API Manager v2.6 with IS-KM v5.7 with Postgres

    • Download and extract both WSO2 API Manager v2.6 and IS-KM v5.7 inside a new directory (only the extracted WSO2 APIM pack & the IS-KM pack)

      - MyNewFolder
      	|- wso2am-2.6
      	|- wso2is-km-5.7.0
    • Open a terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the extracted packs

    • Execute the following

      # inside MyNewFolder
      hydrogen distribute:am --is-km --version 2.6 --datasource postgres
  • Need to configure WSO2 API Manager v2.6 with IS-KM v5.7 and also to generate a Docker container for Postgres datasource

    • Start the Docker service in your environment (if you don't have Docker installed, install Docker before executing the command to work without any errors)

    • Download and extract both WSO2 API Manager v2.6 and IS-KM v5.7 inside a new directory (only the extracted WSO2 APIM pack & the IS-KM pack)

      - MyNewFolder
          |- wso2am-2.6.0
          |- wso2is-km-5.7.0
    • Open a terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the extracted packs

    • Execute the following

      # inside MyNewFolder
      hydrogen distribute:am --is-km --version 2.6 --datasource postgres --container --generate


Licensed under MIT.