The aim is to control a Schellenberg belt winder with the Schellenberg RF-Stick. UI is only a REST interface, which can be easily integrated into any third party system (e.g.: Home Assistant). The application that communicates directly with the USB RF Stick was developed in C# .NET 8.0. The Nuget LibUsbDotNet was used for USB communication. This ensures that the solution can be run platform-independently. The solution was developed in a Windows environment and will ultimately run dockerized on a Raspberry PI (Linux).
The following HW components were used and tested for the development:
- Schellenberg Rollodrive 75 premium (DE 22576)
- Schellenberg radio stick (DE 21009)
The development was only possible thanks to the friendly support of @LoPablo and @Hypfer. Their research into the protocol is the base on which I was able to build this solution (see schellenberg-qivicon-usb).
Even though the basic functionalities are currently implemented, this project is still under development. I am grateful for any constructive feedback.
Unknown --> Starting : Init
Starting --> Idle : Started
Idle --> Moving : MoveUpReceived / Function
Idle --> Moving : MoveDownReceived / Function
Idle --> Moving : MoveUpPressed / Function
Idle --> Moving : MoveDownPressed / Function
Idle --> Pairing : PairingStartedReceived
Moving --> Idle : StopReceived / Function
Moving --> Moving : MoveDownPressed / Function
Moving --> Moving : MoveDownReceived / Function
Moving --> Moving : MoveUpPressed / Function
Moving --> Moving : MoveUpReceived / Function
Pairing --> Idle : Paired / Function
[*] --> Unknown
REST call | Description |
GET http://:5080/schellenberg/ | Get status info, response is a json { |
POST http://:5080/schellenberg/pair | Pair the cover drive with the RF Usb stick, under construction (payload should be the unique device ID) |
GET http://:5080/schellenberg/up | Drive the cover up, response is a updated json |
GET http://:5080/schellenberg/stop | Stop the cover driving, response is a updated json |
GET http://:5080/schellenberg/down | Drive the cover down, response is a updated json |
The following Linux distribution is installed on the Raspberry Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 with docker/docker compose:
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
Check detailed USB info:
sudo usb-devices | grep -A 5 "16c0"
In the response you can see the loaded driver. We had the CDC device with VID/PID 16c0:05e1 attached. For this type of device, the Linux kernel typically loads the 'cdc_acm' driver automatically, which is likely causing "Resource busy" error. If the cdc_acm driver is definitely attached to your device on your interfaces try a aggressive approach to prevent cdc_acm from claiming the device:
Create a blacklist file to prevent cdc_acm from loading at all. The blacklist method is an effective way to prevent the cdc_acm driver from interfering with your USB device. By adding blacklist cdc_acm to the modprobe configuration, you've ensured that the Linux kernel won't automatically load this driver, which was causing the "Resource busy" error in LibUsbDotNet.
This approach:
- Blacklists cdc_acm globally
- Adds a specific quirk for your device's VID:PID combination
- Prevents only this specific device from using the cdc_acm driver
Create/modify file:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-cdc-acm.conf
Add this line as file content:
blacklist cdc_acm
options cdc_acm quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x004
Then reload modules:
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot
scp -O .\docker-compose.yaml <user>@<hostip>:/home/schellenberg-service/
You can also create your own docker-compose.yaml file:
image: atilladocker/schellenberg-web2rf-api:0.1.0
container_name: schellenberg-api-service
restart: always
- 5080:8080
- "/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb"
privileged: true
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d