The atomescrochus/laravel-musixmatch
package provide and easy way to search the Musixmatch API from any Laravel >= 5.3 application.
This package is NOT usable in production, and should still be considered a work in progress (contribution welcomed!). It requires PHP >= 7.0
You can install this package via composer:
$ composer require atomescrochus/laravel-musixmatch
Then you have to install the package' service provider, unless you are running Laravel >=5.5 (it'll use package auto-discovery) :
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
You will have to publish the configuration files also if you want to change the default value:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Atomescrochus\Musixmatch\MusixmatchServiceProvider" --tag="config"
You are also required to put the values you can fetch in your Gracenote developer account in your .env files:
// here is an example query to search Musixmatch API
$search = new \Atomescrochus\Musixmatch\Musixmatch();
$results = $search->trackSearch('poker face', 'lady gaga')->results();
// or if you already have the track id and wants the lyrics
$lyrics = new \Atomescrochus\Musixmatch\Musixmatch();
$results = $lyrics->getLyrics(15476784)->results();
// you can change the default cache duration (of one day) like so
$lyrics->setCacheDuration(60); // in minutes
// If you ever find yourself that you want to check your local cache for a result, without actually polling the API:
$results = $lyrics->cacheOnly()->getLyrics(15476784)->results();
// In case you only want to check if the query exists in the cache, without actually pulling the data:
$existInCache = $lyrics->inCache()->getLyrics(15476784)->results(); // returns boolean
In the example above, what is returned in $results
is an object containing: a collection of results; a count value for the results; raw response data; cache information, and the unformatted query sent to the API.
This is basically a wrapper around the API. We're assuming the Musixmatch API has been tested, and we won't make duplicated tests.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.