This is a Django app for Open edX that implements all backend functions needed by the Panorama MFE to work.
Django app that implements backend functions for Panorama MFE
Panorama is the ultimate analytics system for Open edX and more.
This code is not intended to be installed by itself. To install Panorama in your Open edX instance please install the Panorama Tutor plugin.
Please see the Open edX documentation for guidance on Python development in this repo.
To deploy for development, add a simple Tutor plugin with:
from tutor import hooks as tutor_hooks
tutor_hooks.Filters.MOUNTED_DIRECTORIES.add_item(("openedx", "panorama-openedx-backend"))
Then use tutor mounts to mount your local copy of the repo.
Contact us at if you need support.
The code in this repository is licensed under the Not open source unless otherwise noted.
Please see LICENSE.txt for details.
Contributions are very welcome.
This project is currently accepting all types of contributions, bug fixes, security fixes, maintenance work, or new features. However, please make sure to have a discussion about your new feature idea with the maintainers prior to beginning development to maximize the chances of your change being accepted. You can start a conversation by creating a new issue on this repo summarizing your idea.
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email