v2.4.0: Speedgrader Feature
Speedgrader - The new code viewer
- The File Tree shows file hierarchy of student’s submission
- Click on a file to open
- Click on a folder to expand
- The Symbol Tree allows you to jump quickly to functions in the student’s code
- Click on a function to jump
- You can easily switch between submissions and files
- Up/down arrow keys change file
- Right/left arrow keys change submission
- How to use new annotation system:
- Make annotations with grade adjustments
- Important: annotations can only be made for non-autograded problems (to preserve the original autograded score of the autograded problem)
- Annotations grade changes summarized by the Annotations table on the right
- New: Score for problem automatically updates after annotation score changes based on the following formula (this no longer has to be done manually on the Gradebook):
score = max_score + ∑(annotation score changes)
- For example, a way to grade style in a deductive manner would be to set the max score for the Style problem, and make annotations with negative score for style violations and zero score for good style
UI Enhancements
- Tables are more standardized
- Fixed text overflowing issues on Gradebook modals
- Improved standardization and UI for annotations on PDF submissions
- Course assistants are now able to submit assignments early