- Create a group database
. You can clean the db you previously used and resue that. - This time each group should have a single git branch. Coordinate amongst yourselves by ensuring every next person pulls the code last pushed by a team mate. You branch will be checked as part of the demo. Branch name should follow the naming convention
- Follow the naming conventions exactly as instructed. The backend code will be integrated with the front-end application which means any mismatch in the expected request body will lead to failure in successful integration.
- College Model
name: { mandatory, unique, example iith},
fullName: {mandatory, example `Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad`},
logoLink: {mandatory},
isDeleted: {boolean, default: false}
- Intern Model
name: {mandatory},
email: {mandatory, valid email, unique},
mobile: {mandatory, valid mobile number, unique},
collegeId: {ObjectId, ref to college model,
isDeleted: {boolean, default: false}
Create a college - a document for each member of the group
The logo link will be provided to you by the mentors. This link is a s3 (Amazon's Simple Service) url. Try accessing the link to see if the link is public or not.
Endpoint: BASE_URL/functionup/colleges
Create a document for an intern.
Also save the collegeId along with the document. Your request body contains the following fields - { name, mobile, email, collegeName}
Return HTTP status 201 on a succesful document creation. Also return the document. The response should be a JSON object like this
Return HTTP status 400 for an invalid request with a response body like this
- Returns the college details for the requested college (Expect a query parameter by the name
. This is anabbreviated college name. For exampleiith
) - Returns the list of all interns who have applied for internship at this college.
- The response structure should look like this
- To test these apis create a new collection in Postman named Project 2 Internship
- Each api should have a new request in this collection
- Each request in the collection should be rightly named. Eg Create college, Get college details etc
- Each member of each team should have their tests in running state
Refer below sample
status: true,
data: {
status: false,
message: ""
"name" : "iith",
"fullName" : "Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad",
"logoLink" : "https://functionup.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/colleges/iith.png",
"isDeleted" : false
"isDeleted" : false,
"name" : "Jane Does",
"email" : "jane.doe@iith.in",
"mobile" : "90000900000",
"collegeId" : ObjectId("888771129c9ea621dc7f5e3b")
"data": {
"name": "xyz",
"fullName": "Some Institute of Engineering and Technology",
"logoLink": "some public s3 link for a college logo",
"interns": [
"_id": "123a47301a53ecaeea02be59",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@miet.ac.in",
"mobile": "8888888888"
"_id": "45692c0e1a53ecaeea02b1ac",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@miet.ac.in",
"mobile": "9999999999"
"_id": "7898d0251a53ecaeea02a623",
"name": "Sukruti",
"email": "dummy.email@miet.ac.in",
"mobile": "9191919191"
"_id": "999803da1a53ecaeea02a07e",
"name": "Neeraj Kumar",
"email": "another.example@miet.ac.in",
"mobile": "9898989898"