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Marksmith is a GitHub-style markdown editor for Rails apps.

It supports Active Storage attachments and comes with a built-in markdown preview renderer.

Marksmith logo

Marksmith demo


Marksmith is at the initial stage of development. It's nearing a beta release, but the API might change and bugs are expected. Please continue to use the library and report any issues in the GitHub repo.

Temporary live demo here, under the description field:


<%= marksmith_tag :body %>


1. Add marksmith to your Gemfile

Have Bundler add it by running this command:

bundle add marksmith commonmarker

Or manually install it.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "marksmith"
# Add a markdown parser
gem "commonmarker"

2. Install the NPM package to import the StimulusJS controller.

Install the package from

$ yarn add @avo-hq/marksmith

Or pin it using importmap.

bin/importmap pin @avo-hq/marksmith

Import and register the controllers in your application. The ListContinuationController is optional and only needed if you want to have continued lists in your markdown.

import { MarksmithController, ListContinuationController } from '@avo-hq/marksmith'

application.register('marksmith', MarksmithController)
application.register('list-continuation', ListContinuationController)


Marksmith comes bundled with a few dependencies by default. If you want to manually import those dependencies and import only the controller from the package use the /controller path.

// Manually import Marksmith's dependencies
import '@github/markdown-toolbar-element'
import { DirectUpload } from '@rails/activestorage'
import { post } from '@rails/request.js'
import { subscribe } from '@github/paste-markdown'

// Import just the controller
import { MarksmithController } from '@avo-hq/marksmith/core'

application.register('marksmith', MarksmithController)

3. Add the style tag to your application.html layout

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "marksmith" %>

4. Use it

Use a form helper tag or attach it to your form builder.

<%= marksmith_tag :body, value: "### This is important" %>
<%= form.marksmith :body %>


Marksmith accepts a few configuration options.

Field options

The field supports a few of the regular options like disabled, placeholder, autofocus, style, class, data, and value, but also a custom one.

extra_preview_params - Sends extra params to the preview renderer.

enable_file_uploads - Whether to enable file uploads.

upload_url - The URL to use for file uploads. If not provided, the editor will use the rails_direct_uploads_url helper.

<%= marksmith_tag :body,
  disabled: true,
  placeholder: "Write your best markdown here.",
  extra_preview_params: { foo: "bar" },
  enable_file_uploads: true,
  upload_url: nil

Eject configuration file

Marksmith comes with a default configuration file that you can eject to your app.

bin/rails generate marksmith:install

This will create a config/initializers/marksmith.rb file in your app.

Mount path

The engine is mounted by default at /marksmith. You can change it by setting Marksmith.configuration.mount_path to a different path.

# config/initializers/marksmith.rb
Marksmith.configure do |config|
  config.mount_path = "/markdown"

Mounting the engine

The engine is mounted by default, but you can disable it by setting Marksmith.configuration.automatically_mount_engine to false and then manually mount the engine in your routes.rb file.

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount Marksmith::Engine => Marksmith.configuration.mount_path

Built-in preview renderer

The renderer is powered by Commonmarker by default but it can be changed to Redcarpet in the configuration or add your own logic by customizing the Marksmith::Renderer model. It supports basic styles like headings, strong, italic and others.

In your show.html.erb view or the place where you want to render the compiled markup use the marksmithed helper and it will run the content through the renderer.

<%== marksmithed post.body %>


Using the <%== tag will output the raw HTML, so ensure you sanitize the content to avoid XSS attacks.

See how we do it here.

# sample sanitization
sanitize(body, tags: %w(table th tr td span) + ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper.sanitizer_vendor.safe_list_sanitizer.allowed_tags.to_a)

Customize the renderer

Marksmith comes with a default renderer that uses Commonmarker by default but it can be changed to Redcarpet in the configuration.

# config/initializers/marksmith.rb
Marksmith.configure do |config|
  config.parser = "redcarpet"

Add your own renderer

You can completely customize the renderer by overriding the Marksmith::Renderer model.

# app/models/marksmith/renderer.rb
module Marksmith
  class Renderer
    def initialize(body:)
      @body = body

    def render
      # Your custom renderer logic here

Active Storage

The editor supports ActiveStorage uploads using drag and drop and pasting files into the field.

Whe used in Avo it supports injecting assets using the Media Library feature.

List Continuation

Marksmith has this great opt-in feature where you can have your lists continued. We need to add the ListContinuation controller too.

import { ListContinuationController, MarksmithController } from '@avo-hq/marksmith'
// or /core for the no-dependencies version
import { ListContinuationController, MarksmithController } from '@avo-hq/marksmith/core'

application.register('marksmith', MarksmithController)
application.register('list-continuation', ListContinuationController)

Who uses Marksmith?

  • Avo - Ruby on Rails Code-Based App Builder Framework

Open a PR and add your project here


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Usage in Avo

Marksmith work wonderfully in Avo throught the default markdown field.

Other Open-Source Work

  • active_storage-blurhash - A plug-n-play blurhash integration for images stored in ActiveStorage
  • avo - Build Internal Tools with Ruby on Rails
  • class_variants - Easily configure styles and apply them as classes. Very useful when you're implementing Tailwind CSS components and call them with different states.
  • prop_initializer - A flexible tool for defining properties on Ruby classes.
  • stimulus-confetti - The easiest way to add confetti to your StimulusJS app

Try Avo ⭐️

If you enjoyed this gem try out Avo. It doubles your engineering speed without hiring extra developers. Teams build Internal Tools, Admin Panels, Content Management Systems, CRMs, and other types of Business Apps 10x faster on top of Ruby on Rails using Avo.


If you ever get a 431 error from Vite, clear your brower's cache for localhost (chrome://settings/content/all?searchSubpage=localhost).


Run bin/release x.y.z, use --dry to skip publishing. This is not idempotent. If releasing fails, take note of where the process left off and continue manually.


In development we use vite-rails to compile and reload JS & CSS changes.

When releasing we use rollup to compile the StimulusJS controller and @tailwindcss/cli to compile the CSS.

The JS code is pushed to on @avo-hq/marksmith and the CSS file is shipped in the gem.