Pre-releaseAbstract 简述
A regular update, bringing Immersive Fullscreen, Cookie management, and more accurate cache size calculation into BrowserCat!
What's more, The app can now be set as default browser of system!
并且并且,现在这个 App 可以被设置为默认浏览器了!
But this release will still be marked as pre-release for its incomplete and unreported potential issues.
Meow 喵
Check this out,看看这个:
More Info 更多说明
In this release, OHOS-home-default-unsigned.hap is the unsigned product targeted at the OpenHarmony OS while HMOS-home-default-unsigned.hap is the unsigned product targeted at HarmonyOS NEXT.
在这个发行版中,OHOS-home-default-unsigned.hap 是针对 OpenHarmony 操作系统的未签名产品,而 HMOS-home-default-unsigned.hap 是针对 HarmonyOS NEXT 的未签名产品。
In addition, entry.hap is the auto-signed product targeted at the OpenHarmony OS for extra usage.
此外,entry.hap 是针对 OpenHarmony 操作系统的自动签名产品,以供额外使用。