Pre-releaseAbstract 简述
A major update, bringing Keyboard shortcuts, In-page searching, JavaScript management and No picture mode into BrowserCat!
AND, fixed download saving failure, download wrong file name problems, PLEASE INSTALL THIS UPDATE!
一个主要更新,将键盘快捷键、页面内搜索、JS 管理和无图模式带入冲浪喵~
But this release will still be marked as pre-release for its incomplete and unreported potential issues.
Meow 喵
Check this out,看看这个:
More Info 更多说明
In this release, OHOS-home-default-unsigned.hap is the unsigned product targeted at the OpenHarmony OS while HMOS-home-default-unsigned.hap is the unsigned product targeted at HarmonyOS NEXT.
在这个发行版中,OHOS-home-default-unsigned.hap 是针对 OpenHarmony 操作系统的未签名产品,而 HMOS-home-default-unsigned.hap 是针对 HarmonyOS NEXT 的未签名产品。
In addition, entry.hap is the auto-signed product targeted at the OpenHarmony OS for extra usage.
此外,entry.hap 是针对 OpenHarmony 操作系统的自动签名产品,以供额外使用。