This GitHub repository contains all relevant files and outputs relating to this project, which is an observation planner and object visibility plotter, optimised for NEOExchange objects (
This repository contains a template Jupyter notebook, which can be forked for your personal needs. This notebook contains code for retrieving and displaying information on NEOExchange astronomical objects ( It is intended to be used as an observation planner and object visibility plotter.
See NEOExchange-Obs-Planner.ipynb
When observing small bodies such as comets and asteroids, vital information such as target brightness, rising/setting times, visibility of moon, etc. are required in order to make careful decisions when planning an observation run. I built this code for my own needs when observing on the University of Canterbury Mt. John Observatory's 1.8-metre telescope, however realized that this code can be used by other astronomers who wish to observe small bodies. My code has even been adapted by CheerfulUser ( as a pip-installable package.
Fork the Jupyter notebook NEOExchange-Obs-Planner.ipynb
and change the variables where directed.
is a sample text file demonstrating the formatting of the input target list. Input your targets in a similar manner.
Developer: Aayushi Verma. If you spot any additions, or code that needs to be fixed, email me at: