Configure Hadoop YARN CapacityScheduler on Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 for multi-tenant heterogeneous workloads
The repository creates Amazon EMR cluster and configures Apache Hadoop YARN CapacityScheduler. Please refer to the AWS big data blog post Configure Hadoop YARN CapacityScheduler on Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 for multi-tenant heterogeneous workloads for details.
Folder/File | Description |
cloudformation/templates/main.yaml | AWS CloudFormation template to create Amazon EMR YARN configurations |
cloudformation/templates/emr.yaml | AWS CloudFormation template to create Amazon EMR cluster |
cloudformation/templates/vpc.yaml | AWS CloudFormation template to create Amazon VPC , Subnets and other resources needed for Amazon EMR cluster |
cloudformation/parameters/parameters.json | Parameters files for the AWS CloudFormation template |
scripts/ | Unix Shell script for creating users | | Code Of Conduct | | Contributing |
LICENSE | License |
- An AWS account
- The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed. You are able to run commands such as
aws s3 ls
from the terminal. - The GIT Command Line Interface (GIT CLI) installed.
- Permission to create AWS resources.
- Familiarity with AWS CloudFormation and Amazon EMR.
Please follow the below instructions to deploy the solution in your AWS account.
git clone
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION> --region <AWS_REGION>
aws s3 cp --recursive amazon-emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler s3://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>/
Update the emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler/cloudformation/parameters/parameters.json
file with approproate values
Please update the values for the following keys:
Key | Description |
ArtifactsS3Repository | The Amazon S3 bucket name created in the previous step. |
emrKeyName | An existing EC2 key name. If you don’t have an existing key and want to create a new key, refer to Use an Amazon EC2 key pair for SSH credentials. |
clientCIDR | The CIDR range of the client machine for accessing the EMR cluster via SSH. You can run the following command to identify the IP of the client machine: echo "$(curl -s" |
We have provided sensible defaults whereever possible. Please update the values to fit your specific requirements.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler \
--template-url https://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION> \
--parameters file://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler/cloudformation/parameters/parameters.json \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--region <AWS_REGION>
Navigate to AWS Management Console > CloudFormation and check for the successful deployment of the following stacks
AWS Management Console > EMR and check for the successful creation of emr-cluster-capacity-scheduler cluster
To review the CapacityScheduler setup, access the Apache Hadoop YARN Resource Manager UI on the emr-cluster-capacity-scheduler cluster
For instructions on how to access the UI on Amazon EMR, refer to View web interfaces hosted on Amazon EMR clusters.
To verify Capacity Scheduler configurations, SSH
into the EMR primary node, sudo
as different users and submit Apache Spark jobs :
[hadoop@ip-xx-x-xx-xxx ~]$ sudo su - user1
[user1@ip-xx-x-xx-xxx ~]$ spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi /usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar
To test the Access Control List (ACL) in CapacityScheduler queues, submit jobs to unauthorized queues.
[hadoop@ip-xx-x-xx-xxx ~]$ sudo su - user3
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --queue adhoc --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi /usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar
User should see errors like below:
22/07/31 18:23:41 INFO Client: Submitting application application_1659289766681_0011 to ResourceManager
22/07/31 18:23:41 INFO Client: Deleted staging directory hdfs://ip-10-0-10-117.ec2.internal:8020/user/user3/.sparkStaging/application_1659289766681_0011
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException: User user3 does not have permission to submit application_1659289766681_0011 to queue adhoc
- Delete the cloudformation stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler
- Delete the Amazon S3 bucket
Please verify before runing the command. The command deletes the bucket and all files underneath it. The files may not be recoverable after delete.
aws s3 rb s3://emr-yarn-capacity-scheduler-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION> --force
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
See the LICENSE for more information.