- Introduction
- Pre-requisites
- Create the clusters and deploy the required components
- Build and deploy the game server fleets
- Integrate Open Match with Agones
- Clean Up Resources
- Security recommendations
This guidance provides code and instructions to create a multi Kubernetes cluster environment to host a match making and game server solution, integrating Open Match, Agones and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), for a session-based multiplayer game.
This README aims to provide a succint installation guide for the integration. For more technical information about the deployment process, customization, and troubleshooting, please see the Details page.
├── README.md # This file
├── DETAILS.md # Extra documentation
├── integration # Golang code and Dockerfiles for Open Match - Agones integration
│ ├── clients
│ │ ├── allocation-client
│ │ ├── ncat
│ │ ├── stk
│ │ └── stk-server-build
│ ├── director
│ ├── matchfunction
│ └── ncat-server
├── manifests # Kubernetes YAML manifests
│ └── fleets
│ ├── ncat
│ └── stk
├── scripts # Shell scripts
└── terraform # Terraform code
├── cluster
├── extra-cluster
└── intra-cluster
└── helm_values
The Terraform scripts create the clusters using Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform. Agones and Open Match are deployed when the clusters are bootstrapped.
Certificates CA and key files required for TLS communictions are generated by cert-manager, enabled in the Terraform definition as an add-on of the EKS blueprints.
The EKS Blueprints enables metrics and logging for the EKS clusters. Metrics are exported to CloudWatch to provide observability on the clusters.
Terraform also deploys resources out of the clusters needed by the integration, such as inter-region VPC Peering, Global Accelerator and Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repositories.
Golang code provides integration between Open Match and Agones, creating
- a Match Making Function based on the latency from the client to the server endpoint
- a Director that handles the game server allocation between Agones Allocator and the game clients.
Dockerfile and Kubernetes manifests enable container building and deploying.
This guidance assumes that the user already has access to an AWS account and has the AWS command line interface installed and configured to access the account using their credentials. Ensure that the output option for the AWS CLI is switched to json
. To do so, run the command aws configure
and modify the output option when prompted. If the AWS CLI output option is set to its default text
output then you may encounter an error while deploying the terraform templates.
While the commands and scripts here were tested on bash
and zsh
shells, they can be run with some modifications in other shells, like Windows PowerShell
or fish
To deploy the infrastructure and run the examples, we need:
- Terraform
- kubectl
- Helm
- jq
- gettext
- Go
- Docker
- OpenSSL (Some operating systems, such as MacOS, may already have this built into them.)
For our example, we will be creating two EKS clusters in different regions. The first one will run our Open Match matchmaking service and the central Agones allocator, with a group of game servers for this region. The second cluster will run another Agones instance, responsible for the game servers on that region.
We will run terraform in three steps, following the terraform
- terraform/cluster: Creates the EKS clusters and VPCs in both regions.
- terraform/intra-cluster: Deploys several components inside both clusters, using
charts andkubernetes
manifests. - terraform/extra-cluster: Creates additional AWS resources outside the cluster, like ECR repositories, VPC peering and Global Accelerator infrastructures.
Define the names of our clusters and two different regions to run them. We can customize the clusters names, regions and VPC CIDR using the variables passed to the Terraform stack. In our examples we will be using agones-gameservers-1
on region us-east-1
, and agones-gameservers-2
region us-east-2
. Note that the CIDR of the VPCs should not overlap, since we will use VPC Peering to connect them.
For simplicity, we will be using local Terraform state files. In production workloads, we recommend storing the state files remotely, for example using the S3 Terraform backend.
Select one of the options below to deploy the compute components of the EKS Clusters By default, any Managed Node Group not specified to use arm-based instances will use x86-based instances.
Run the following commands to create EKS clusters with all x86-based instance types, with the names and regions configured in the previous steps.
# Initialize Terraform
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster init &&
# Create both clusters
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \
-var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="cluster_1_cidr=${CIDR1}" \
-var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \
-var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \
-var="cluster_2_cidr=${CIDR2}" \
Run the following commands to create EKS clusters with all arm-based instance types.
# Initialize Terraform
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster init &&
# Create both clusters
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \
-var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="cluster_1_cidr=${CIDR1}" \
-var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \
-var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \
-var="cluster_2_cidr=${CIDR2}" \
-var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \
-var="all_arm_based_instances_cluster_1"=true \
Run the following commands to create EKS clusters with a variety of x86 and arm-based instance types for each Managed Node Group.
# Initialize Terraform
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster init &&
# Create both clusters
terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \
-var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="cluster_1_cidr=${CIDR1}" \
-var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \
-var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \
-var="cluster_2_cidr=${CIDR2}" \
-var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \
-var="gameservers_arm_based_instances_cluster_1"=true \
-var="gameservers_arm_based_instances_cluster_2"=true \
-var="agones_system_arm_based_instances_cluster_1"=true \
-var="agones_system_arm_based_instances_cluster_2"=true \
-var="agones_metrics_arm_based_instances_cluster_1"=false \
Currently, the following list shows all available configurable variables for creating the compute components of the EKS clusters through the terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster apply
Unfortunately, open match does not have an arm-based container image. Hence why the managed node groups that help run openmatch are not available for architecture configuration.
The commands below will deploy our resources inside the clusters created in the last step. We use the output values from terraform/cluster
as input to the terraform/intra-cluster
# Initialize Terraform
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster init &&
# Deploy to the first cluster
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select -or-create=true ${REGION1} &&
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_name=${CLUSTER1}" \
-var="cluster_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="cluster_endpoint=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_endpoint)" \
-var="cluster_certificate_authority_data=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_certificate_authority_data)" \
-var="cluster_token=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_token)" \
-var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \
-var="oidc_provider_arn=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw oidc_provider_1_arn)" \
-var="namespaces=[\"agones-openmatch\", \"agones-system\", \"gameservers\", \"open-match\"]" \
-var="configure_agones=true" \
-var="configure_open_match=true" &&
# Deploy to the second cluster
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select -or-create=true ${REGION2} &&
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_name=${CLUSTER2}" \
-var="cluster_region=${REGION2}" \
-var="cluster_endpoint=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_endpoint)" \
-var="cluster_certificate_authority_data=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_certificate_authority_data)" \
-var="cluster_token=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_token)" \
-var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \
-var="oidc_provider_arn=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw oidc_provider_2_arn)" \
-var="namespaces=[\"agones-system\", \"gameservers\"]" \
-var="configure_agones=true" \
Run the commands below to get the ARN of the load balancer deployed in the previous step. The value will be passed as a variable to the next step.
First, set an environment variable that matches the name of the loadbalancer service. The name can be found by running the kubectl get services -n open-match
command and looking for the only service of type LoadBalancer.
Note: If you want to rename the Open Match service then you can do so in the /scripts/configure-open-match-ingress.sh file. Also note that the dashes in the above environment variable setting command help the shell know the end of an environment variable ($CLUSTER1) and the start of a string (-om-fe). Running the command OPEN_MATCH_SVC_NAME=$CLUSTER1omfe
will not work in setting a new environment variable that concatenates an existing environment variable with other text.
Ensure that your kubectl context is set to the correct context for Cluster 1 before executing the next two commands.
kubectl config use-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER1})
Next, set the name of the Load balancer:
FLB_NAME=$(kubectl get services -n open-match -o json | jq -r --arg OPEN_MATCH_SVC_NAME "$OPEN_MATCH_SVC_NAME" '.items[] | select(.metadata.name==$OPEN_MATCH_SVC_NAME) | .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname')
Then retrieve the ARN of the load balancer:
FLB_ARN=$( aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region us-east-1 | jq -r ".LoadBalancers[] | select(.DNSName==\"$FLB_NAME\") | .LoadBalancerArn")
Here we deploy the external components to our infrastructure, and configure resources that need both clusters to deploy, such as VPC Peering and Agones multi-cluster allocation.
# Initialize Terraform
terraform -chdir=terraform/extra-cluster init &&
# Get the values needed by Terraform
VPC1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw vpc_1_id) &&
SUBNETS1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output gameservers_1_subnets) &&
ROUTE1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw private_route_table_1_id) &&
ENDPOINT1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_endpoint) &&
AUTH1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_certificate_authority_data) &&
TOKEN1=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_token) &&
VPC2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw vpc_2_id) &&
SUBNETS2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output gameservers_2_subnets) &&
ROUTE2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw private_route_table_2_id) &&
ENDPOINT2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_endpoint) &&
AUTH2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_certificate_authority_data) &&
TOKEN2=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_token) &&
# Create resources
terraform -chdir=terraform/extra-cluster apply -auto-approve \
-var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \
-var="requester_cidr=${CIDR1}" \
-var="requester_vpc_id=${VPC1}" \
-var="requester_route=${ROUTE1}" \
-var="cluster_1_gameservers_subnets=${SUBNETS1}" \
-var="cluster_1_endpoint=${ENDPOINT1}" \
-var="cluster_1_certificate_authority_data=${AUTH1}" \
-var="cluster_1_token=${TOKEN1}" \
-var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \
-var="accepter_cidr=${CIDR2}" \
-var="accepter_vpc_id=${VPC2}" \
-var="accepter_route=${ROUTE2}" \
-var="cluster_2_gameservers_subnets=${SUBNETS2}" \
-var="cluster_2_endpoint=${ENDPOINT2}" \
-var="cluster_2_certificate_authority_data=${AUTH2}" \
-var="cluster_2_token=${TOKEN2}" \
-var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="ecr_region=${REGION1}" \
-var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \
After several minutes, Terraform should end with a mesage similar to this:
Apply complete! Resources: XX added, YY changed, ZZ destroyed.
global_accelerator_address = "abcdefgh123456789.awsglobalaccelerator.com"
Please, save the global_accelerator_address
value, as we will use it later to connect to our game servers. In case we need to retrieve it, we can run terraform -chdir=terraform/extra-cluster output
We added two game servers to test the Agones and Open Match deployments:
- ncat-server: a lightweight client-server chatroom we developed using Ncat together with a Golang client to illustrate the Open Match integration.
- SuperTuxKart: a 3D open-source kart racing game developed in C/C++. Since we didn't change the client's code to integrate Open Match functionality, we use a Golang wrapper with the code from the ncat example.
We will use the ncat-server deployment to test the Open Match matchmaking.
Note: Verify that Docker is running before the next steps.
Use one of the below commands to build the image, push it to the ECR repository, and deploy 4 fleets of ncat game servers on each cluster.
sh scripts/deploy-ncat-fleets.sh ${CLUSTER1} ${REGION1} ${CLUSTER2} ${REGION2} amd64
sh scripts/deploy-ncat-fleets.sh ${CLUSTER1} ${REGION1} ${CLUSTER2} ${REGION2} arm64
This repository contains code and documentation for the customized versions of Open Match director
and matchfunction
on the folders ./integration/director/ and ./integration/matchfunction/, as well as the client tools we used in the folder ./integration/clients/.
- Switch the kubernetes context to `$CLUSTER1``
kubectl config use-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER1})
- Build and deploy the Open Match matchmaking function
sh scripts/deploy-matchfunction.sh ${CLUSTER1} ${REGION1}
- Build and deploy the Open Match Director
sh scripts/deploy-director.sh ${CLUSTER1} ${REGION1} ${REGION2}
- Verify that the mmf and director pods are running
kubectl get pods -n agones-openmatch
Here we test the flow of the Open Match - Agones integration. We use the ncat fleet deployment and the contents of the folder integration/clients/ncat. We will need to open several terminal windows to run this test. Note about the client <-> frontend communication: In our example, we connect the client directly to the Open Match Frontend, so we need to have the TLS certificates from the frontend available to the client. In a complete game architecture, we would have a Game Frontend between the client and the Open Match, that would handle this communication, among other tasks like authentication, leaderboards, and lobby.
- Go to the
cd integration/clients/ncat
- Get the TLS cert of the Frontend
kubectl get secret open-match-tls-server -n open-match -o jsonpath="{.data.public\.cert}" | base64 -d > public.cert
kubectl get secret open-match-tls-server -n open-match -o jsonpath="{.data.private\.key}" | base64 -d > private.key
kubectl get secret open-match-tls-rootca -n open-match -o jsonpath="{.data.public\.cert}" | base64 -d > publicCA.cert
TLS secrets should be rotated before their expiry date. Put in place a secrets rotation strategy or leverage the TLS with AWS PCA issuer pattern to integrate CertManager with AWS Certificate Manager.
- Run the player client. Here we'll use the value of
from the Terraform deployment. Remember to adjust our regions:
export GOPROXY=direct
go run main.go -frontend <global_accelerator_address>:50504 -region1 $REGION1 -latencyRegion1 10 -region2 $REGION2 -latencyRegion2 30
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Connecting to Open Match Frontend YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Ticket ID: cdfu6mqgqm6kj18qr880 YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Waiting for ticket assignment
- In three other terminal windows, type the commands from the steps (1.) and (3.) above. When the fourth client is started, we should have a similar output to the sample below, showing the connection to the Frontend server, the game server assigned to the client and the connection to the game server:
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Connecting to Open Match Frontend YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Ticket ID: cdfu6mqgqm6kj18qr880 YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Waiting for ticket assignment
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Ticket assignment: connection:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.awsglobalaccelerator.com:yyyyy" YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Disconnecting from Open Match Frontend YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Connecting to ncat server is connected as . already connected: nobody. is connected as . already connected: as . is connected as . already connected: as , as . is connected as . already connected: as , as , as .
- In another terminal window, verify the game servers. Let the command running with the
flag to detect state changes. We should see one server in theAllocated
state, and the others in theReady
kubectl get gs -n gameservers -w
In the terminal windows running the clients, type anything and press enter. We should see the messages replicated to the other client windows.
in all the client windows. This should close the clients. When the last one closes, switch to the window with thekubectl get gs -w
command. It should show that the allocated server is shutting down (since all the players disconnected) and a new game server is being provisioned. -
We can repeat the process with different values to the
flags when calling the client, to verify how it affects the game server allocation. Remember to stop the client withCTRL-C
, adjust the kubectl context to the cluster with the lowest latency, using the command
kubectl config use-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER1})
kubectl config use-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER2})
and run
kubectl get gs -n gameservers -w
again, before starting the clients with new values.
We can use the fleets in the fleets/stk/ folder and the client in integration/clients/stk/ to test the SuperTuxKart integration with Open Match and Agones, similarly to our ncat example above. Please, refer to the README.md in the stk folder for more instructions.
Note: If you run the below command in a new terminal that no longer retains the necessary environment variables from previous commands then please reset the necessary environment variables by running 1) the initial environment variable-setting command for cluster name, cluster version, etc. at the beginning of this walkthrough, and 2) run the environment variable-setting commands present in the terraform/extra-cluster create command.
Destroy the extra clusters components
terraform -chdir=terraform/extra-cluster destroy -auto-approve \ -var="requester_cidr=${CIDR1}" \ -var="requester_vpc_id=${VPC1}" \ -var="requester_route=${ROUTE1}" \ -var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \ -var="cluster_1_gameservers_subnets=${SUBNETS1}" \ -var="cluster_1_endpoint=${ENDPOINT1}" \ -var="cluster_1_certificate_authority_data=${AUTH1}" \ -var="cluster_1_token=${TOKEN1}" \ -var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \ -var="accepter_cidr=${CIDR2}" \ -var="accepter_vpc_id=${VPC2}" \ -var="accepter_route=${ROUTE2}" \ -var="cluster_2_gameservers_subnets=${SUBNETS2}" \ -var="cluster_2_endpoint=${ENDPOINT2}" \ -var="cluster_2_certificate_authority_data=${AUTH2}" \ -var="cluster_2_token=${TOKEN2}" \ -var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \ -var="ecr_region=${REGION1}" \ -var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \ -var="aws_lb_arn=${FLB_ARN}"
Delete the Load Balancers and Security Groups
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION1} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION1} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER1}-om-fe')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION1} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION1} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER1}-allocator')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION1} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION1} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER1}-ping-http')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION1} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION1} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER1}-ping-udp')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION2} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION2} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER2}-allocator')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION2} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION2} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER2}-ping-http')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --region ${REGION2} --load-balancer-arn $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region ${REGION2} --query "LoadBalancers[?contains(LoadBalancerName,'${CLUSTER2}-ping-udp')].LoadBalancerArn" --output text)
Discard or destroy the internal cluster components If we are removing all the components of the solution, it's quicker to simply discard the Terraform state of the intra-cluster folder, since we will destroy the clusters in the next step, and this will automatically remove the intra-cluster components.
terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select ${REGION1} terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster state list | cut -f 1 -d '[' | xargs -L 0 terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster state rm terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select ${REGION2} terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster state list | cut -f 1 -d '[' | xargs -L 0 terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster state rm
If we prefer to destroy the components in this stage (for example, to keep the clusters created by terraform/cluster and test terraform-intra clusters with other values and configurations), use the code below instead.
# Destroy the resources inside the first cluster terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select ${REGION1} terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster destroy -auto-approve \ -var="cluster_name=${CLUSTER1}" \ -var="cluster_region=${REGION1}" \ -var="cluster_endpoint=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_endpoint)" \ -var="cluster_certificate_authority_data=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_certificate_authority_data)" \ -var="cluster_token=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_1_token)" \ -var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \ -var="oidc_provider_arn=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw oidc_provider_1_arn)" \ -var="namespaces=[\"agones-openmatch\", \"agones-system\", \"gameservers\", \"open-match\"]" \ -var="configure_agones=true" \ -var="configure_open_match=true" # Destroy the resources inside the second cluster terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster workspace select ${REGION2} terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster workspace select ${REGION2} terraform -chdir=terraform/intra-cluster destroy -auto-approve \ -var="cluster_name=${CLUSTER2}" \ -var="cluster_region=${REGION2}" \ -var="cluster_endpoint=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_endpoint)" \ -var="cluster_certificate_authority_data=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_certificate_authority_data)" \ -var="cluster_token=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw cluster_2_token)" \ -var="cluster_version=${VERSION}" \ -var="oidc_provider_arn=$(terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster output -raw oidc_provider_2_arn)" \ -var="namespaces=[\"agones-system\", \"gameservers\"]" \ -var="configure_agones=true" \ -var="configure_open_match=false"
Destroy the clusters
# Destroy both clusters terraform -chdir=terraform/cluster destroy -auto-approve \ -var="cluster_1_name=${CLUSTER1}" \ -var="cluster_1_region=${REGION1}" \ -var="cluster_1_cidr=${CIDR1}" \ -var="cluster_2_name=${CLUSTER2}" \ -var="cluster_2_region=${REGION2}" \ -var="cluster_2_cidr=${CIDR2}" \ -var="cluster_version=${VERSION}"
Note: if the
terraform destroy
command fails to destroy the subnets or the VPCs, run the commandsfor sg in $(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region ${REGION1} --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region ${REGION1} --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values='${CLUSTER1}'" --query Vpcs[].VpcId --output text)" --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId --output text); do aws ec2 delete-security-group --region ${REGION1} --group-id $sg ; done for sg in $(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region ${REGION2} --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region ${REGION2} --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values='${CLUSTER2}'" --query Vpcs[].VpcId --output text)" --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId --output text); do aws ec2 delete-security-group --region ${REGION2} --group-id $sg ; done
and run the
terraform destroy
command again. -
Remove the clusters from kubectl config
kubectl config delete-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER1}) kubectl config delete-context $(kubectl config get-contexts -o=name | grep ${CLUSTER2})
Remove the local certificate files
rm -f *.crt *.key integration/clients/stk/*.cert integration/clients/stk/*.key integration/clients/ncat/*.cert integration/clients/ncat/*.key
This page provides suggestions of actions that should be taken to make the solution more secure acording to AWS best practices.