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Matt Sowden edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 10 revisions

Whats New

Check out the README for whats new program wise.


Command Description
/awuwu Makes YuukiBot Awuwu. Random Number of 'wu's are appended to the end.
/uwah Makes YuukiBot Embarassed.
/win Displays a GIF from the win/ directory. v1.2.1 -- If done by the telegram user set in config, assigns a point value of 500. v1.4.0 -- Has an auto migration system built in for users from the old listings. NOW ALSO WORKS BY REPLY RATHER THAN @MENTION.
/points Displays a GIF from the points/ directory. v1.2.0 -- If done by the telegram user set in config, assigns a random point value between 150 and 500. v1.3.0 -- Now multiples of 50 between 150 and 450. v1.4.0 -- Has an auto migration system built in for users from the old listings. NOW ALSO WORKS BY REPLY RATHER THAN @MENTION.
/reset v1.4.0 -- Resets your points to 0, but for every 10000 points you gain 1 Infamy Score
/quote Picks a random quote from the quote.txt file.
/fortune Takes input and processes mystical, mythical RNG to return a vaugely in-character answer somehow.
/shrug Shrug~
/riot v1.6.0 -- Yuukibot raises their dongers (Available in Inline starting v1.6.1)
/spiral Displays a GIF from the spiral/ directory.
/moo Makes YuukiBot Moo.
/bray Makes YuukiBot Bray.
/me Returns input after /me in bold, similar to how /me worked in IRC.
/tweet Sends a Tweet to the userpage which is defined in the twitter section of the config file. For more on Twitter API, visit for details. Can only be run by the user identified in v1.4.1 -- telegram_id in the config.
/about Returns an about message on YuukiBot
/top Displays Top 5 in Point Counts v1.4.0 -- Now only shows users whom have gotten points in the upgraded system

Note: commands will work even in a chatroom with multiple bots.

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