My standard but useful, .bashrc config file, added with useful hints and explanations(in the comments of the own archive .bashrc of that way you can learn how modify and works this archive very important and amazing of you GnuLinux) of work and cool practices and some little custom modifications to get more profit of your shell, but keeping all the main structure of a default .bashrc file intact, so this way the custom modifications are optional, if you just need the default file, or want to personalize only you.
IzI pici...Just clone the repo and run the BashScript
and follow the intructions, maybe you could need give execution permises, my english sucks...I know, anyway something like this could be:
git clone; cd simplebashrc; sudo chmod u+x; ./
Izi pici....Follow the script instructions
And then if you want a some info about the estructure and working about this archive, jokes and some stupidities just read the coments inside the bashrc archive, to see its content just use the command cat
followed by the absolute or relative path of this .bashrc file, example:
$ cat bashrc
> ccat with a syntax hightlight color scheme diferent.
> ccat with a syntax hightlight color scheme diferent.
> ccat with a syntax hightlight color scheme diferent.
> ccat with a syntax hightlight color scheme diferent.
> ccat with a syntax hightlight color scheme diferent.
> A very cool extensive list of useful oneliners
alias diff='diff --color=always'
> diff colored.
alias dmesg='dmesg --color=always'
> dmesg colored.
alias tb='taskbook'
> This open the taskbook aplication
alias vdir='vdir --color=always'
> Like the command ls -l also colored
> Return your prompt to the default prompt
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Animus never give up.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Keep trying.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Peace && Love.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Animus.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...You can.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Be better.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Help people.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Hippie Power.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...We can be better.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try exercise.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Take care of our ecosistem.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Recycle.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Take care of plants.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...take care of animals.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Smile, be happy.
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...
> Change your prompt for another more cool try it...Follow your dreams
And that is all, I hope that it could be helpful...animus...Peace && LOve
About the prompts and the themes the lot of configs of the section experimental configs in this bashrc
This new promtps are very new, I made with a lot of efford, love and dedication, yeah this in the both ways of the
the mean of dedication in spanish yeah dedication of efford and be always costant, putting the heart in this
and with the other mean dedication yeah with dedicatory to someone, that like the mean of GNU is like a
contraction of the word itself due the dedication of efford, love, and be costant, is here because this
have dedication to someone, the two persons that is dedicated the repo LittleScript, to @cybergibbons a very cool
person and pro skater in potency if he train hard(very, very hard, and can support the hits of the skate or the floor lol ),that was the first person to be cool with me, also he support my jokes that sometimes I do in his tweets and the last could be a some
heavy but looks like he don't worry(sorry ciber lol), that always are made with the objetive of
make him laugh, and for @JimChr that was the first person that show interested in the repo LittleScript
even only being in a beggin a little idea in my head, a little few of themes in a work space of terminator,
and thats so cool and looks like my work could be useful for he(I hope if don't I will force it lol), also he make that I defeated my lazines to parse the themes of terminator a task that I had a very lot of time postponing for lazines, this two persons motivates me to put dedication in this,ciber because I told him that I was make a tool for he like a practice that I don't finished lol but it envolve in LittleScript and even I don't finish the final function of the tool of practice that passed to be part of LittleScript lol but it will be, because I sayed that will do and I gonna do, but at the end of all, it was only a very little details without importance trough me of they, but for me awas and are tremendous very big details with inmense value, because without they in many cases all this would not be here, because the prompts was though for littleScript, and the themes still be lost in that big amount of files, also some functions will be use for LittleScript, so if in any moment this is useful for you, all the thanks are only for they...really, thanks only for they (You can follow them in twitter), so I don't need thanks while it could be useful for others, that are my thanks and make me happy also give me a purpose,but if you want give me thanks you can do it in a lot of ways like you could plant a tree, really, plant a tree, or get a new plant in your house, and take a lot of care of it, this make me very, very, happy, we need a lot of trees and we all can respire air more clean, because I only make things like this with so efford to help others and don't have value or sense making only for me, and for they is that this repo is here, so this are very specific prompts for very specific persons in less words....maybe you don't are ready for this, you know, you are very oldies, of the age when don't exist the money in that times, you are a chavoRukiz #LoL joke.. a chavoRukiz
have less centurys that you anyway you don't are young in the heart,you need a little more of #GnuLinux in your life right now some of this prompts needs still needs a cool and useful way handle of errors also add some functions that I
still testing or planning, so enjoy.....also visit littleScript it will be a very cool repo.