- Checks if your YouTube or Vimeo videos are still available in the TYPO3 project
- Can send you reports by email
- Can use a custom report service
- Can also check more media extensions through flexible extensibility
The recommended way to install the extension is using Composer.
Run the following command within your Composer based TYPO3 project:
composer require ayacoo/video-validator
Do not forget to activate the extension in the extension manager and to update the database once, so that the two new fields are added.
The tasks can be set up via CLI (see Developer Corner) or directly in the scheduler.
In the scheduler we create a new task Execute console commands
. The
schedulable command videoValidator:validate
should be set up first.
This command regularly checks YouTube and Vimeo videos and stores information
about the status and crawl time in the data set.
TODO Screenshot
Afterwards, we create a task 'videoValidator:report' in the same scheme. Note the settings here and define at least one recipient.
TODO Screenshot
EXT:video_validator fetches all files from the sys_file table that are linked to this media extension, e.g. YouTube. Thereby a validation_date is considered.
If the video list has been worked through, the videos are checked again by default after 7 days. These settings can be overwritten for the respective task.
Using the oEmbed API of the providers, you can read the status of a video without an API key. Private videos are marked as faulty, but cannot be saved in TYPO3 anyway. Note the difference between private videos and unlisted videos!
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Custom media extension, see developer doc
It may happen that at some point videos are no longer accessible. These are listed in the report mail as invalid videos. TYPO3 offers a number next to the file in the file list. If you click on it, all references to this file are listed. Now you can take care of the corresponding corrections.
Version | TYPO3 | PHP | Support / Development |
4.x | 13.x | 8.2 - 8.4 | features, bugfixes, security updates |
3.x | 12.x | 8.1 - 8.4 | bugfixes, security updates |
2.x | 10.x - 11.x | 7.4 - 8.0 | bugfixes, security updates |
Hint: Version 1 users should update to version 2
video_validator uses semantic versioning, which means, that
- bugfix updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 1.0.1) just includes small bugfixes or security relevant stuff without breaking changes,
- minor updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 1.1.0) includes new features and smaller tasks without breaking changes,
- and major updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 2.0.0) breaking changes which can be refactorings, features or bugfixes.
The calls can be retrieved directly via CLI or you can set up corresponding jobs in the scheduler. Advantage of the scheduler: The TYPO3 is displayed correctly in the mail: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/93940
It is unclear how many fast accesses in a row the oEmbed API allows as a maximum. Therefore, it is better to think small limits.
Validates a defined number of videos for the defined media extension
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:validate --extension --limit --referencedOnly=0(default)|1 --referenceRoot=0(default)
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:validate --extension=Vimeo --limit=10
Example for fetching only videos that are referenced on visible, non-deleted pages within visible, non-deleted references:
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:validate --extension=Vimeo --limit=10 --referencedOnly=1
You can specify the --referenceRoot
option to specify a PageRoot UID where to
search for references. 0
by default means all available roots.
Pay attention to using the right upper/lowercase media extension
names (YouTube
instead of YouTube
), which are defined by the name of the
Validator instance.
Create an email report of YouTube videos from the last 7 days
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:report --days --recipients --extension --referencedOnly=0(default)|1 --referenceRoot=0(default)
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:report --days=7 --recipients=receiver@example.com,receiver2@example.com --extension=YouTube
The same referencedOnly
and referenceRoot
options like
in videoValidator:validate
are available.
Resets all video states of a media extension.
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:reset --extension
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:reset --extension=YouTube
Counts all videos of a media extension. This will help you to decide which limits you can work with.
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:count --extension
vendor/bin/typo3 videoValidator:count --extension=YouTube
EXT:video_validator is built in such a way that other media extensions can also
be checked. For this, the media
extension must be registered
in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['fal']['onlineMediaHelpers']
and you
register a validator via an event.
As example you can use the EXT:tiktok.
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'tiktok/validator'
method: 'setValidator'
event: Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyValidatorEvent
namespace Ayacoo\Tiktok\Listener;
use Ayacoo\Tiktok\Crawler\TiktokValidator;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyValidatorEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class ValidatorListener
public function setValidator(ModifyValidatorEvent $event): ModifyValidatorEvent
$extension = strtolower($event->getExtension());
if ($extension === 'tiktok') {
$validator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TiktokValidator::class, $extension);
return $event;
namespace Ayacoo\Tiktok\Crawler;
use Ayacoo\Tiktok\Helper\TiktokHelper;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Service\Validator\AbstractVideoValidator;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Service\Validator\AbstractVideoValidatorInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class TiktokValidator extends AbstractVideoValidator implements AbstractVideoValidatorInterface
private TiktokHelper $tiktokHelper;
private string $username;
public function __construct(string $extension)
$this->tiktokHelper = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TiktokHelper::class, $extension);
public function getOEmbedUrl(string $mediaId, string $format = 'json'): string
return sprintf(
public function getOnlineMediaId(File $file): string
$this->username = $file->getProperty('tiktok_username') ?? '';
return $this->tiktokHelper->getOnlineMediaId($file);
public function buildUrl(string $mediaId): string
return 'https://www.tiktok.com/@' . $this->username . '/' . $mediaId;
With the custom validator you have to pay attention to the interface, so that you have a correct structure for the checks.
There is also the possibility to register your own report services. For example, you can export the video list to a XML or CSV file. Or maybe sending a slack message?
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'extensionkey/reportservices'
method: 'setReportServices'
event: Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyReportServiceEvent
namespace Extension\Namespace\Listener;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyReportServiceEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class ReportServiceListener
public function setReportServices(ModifyReportServiceEvent $event): ModifyReportServiceEvent
$yourReportService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(XmlReportService::class);
$reportServices = $event->getReportServices() ?? [];
$reportServices['XmlReportService'] = $yourReportService;
return $event;
namespace Extension\Namespace\Report;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Service\Report\AbstractReportServiceInterface;
class YourReportService implements AbstractReportServiceInterface
protected array $settings = [];
protected array $validVideos = [];
protected array $invalidVideos = [];
public function makeReport(): void
// Do your custom stuff e.g. CSV or XML export
$mediaExtension = $this->getSettings()['extension'];
$xmlDocument = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><videos/>');
foreach ($this->getValidVideos() as $validVideo) {
$videoTag = $xmlDocument->addChild('video');
$videoTag->addChild('title', $validVideo->getProperty('title'));
$videoTag->addChild('url', $validVideo->getPublicUrl());
GeneralUtility::writeFile($mediaExtension . '_validVideos.xml', $xmlDocument->asXML());
// Have a look for the necessary functions
// The ReportCommand gives you the video array
public function getSettings(): array
return $this->settings;
public function setSettings(array $settings): void
$this->settings = $settings;
public function getValidVideos(): array
return $this->validVideos;
public function setValidVideos(array $validVideos): void
$this->validVideos = $validVideos;
public function getInvalidVideos(): array
return $this->invalidVideos;
public function setInvalidVideos(array $invalidVideos): void
$this->invalidVideos = $invalidVideos;
It is also possible to register your own actions during validation. For example, You can disable referenced content items.
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'extensionkey/videovalidator'
event: Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyVideoValidateEvent
namespace Extension\Namespace\Listener;
use Ayacoo\VideoValidator\Event\ModifyVideoValidateEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class VideoValidateListener
public function __invoke(ModifyVideoValidateEvent $event): void
$file = $event->getFile();
$properties = $event->getProperties();
// Do your custom stuff e.g. custom action
To define a sender for the email, the
configuration $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['defaultMailFromAddress']
from the Install Tool is used.
Because the FluidEmail is used by TYPO3, you can of course also easily overwrite the template for the status email.
If you are happy with the extension and would like to support it in any way, I would appreciate the support of social institutions.
Special thanks to Georg Ringer and his news extension. A good template to build a TYPO3 extension. Here, for example, the structure of README.md is used.
Thanks to Garvin Hicking for adding ReferencedOnly/ReferenceRoot functionality.
And thanks to all who have tested and improved this extension.