> ConsoleWhisper --help
-i, --input Required. Input media files.
-m, --model (Default: small) Whisper model: base, tiny, small, medium, large.
-o, --output (Default: current directory) Output directory.
-l, --language (Default: auto) Specify transcribe language.
--only-extract (Default: false) Extract audio stream only.
--multithread (Default: false) Use multithread, only works for audio extraction.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> ConsoleWhisper.exe -i .\Friends.s01.e02.mkv
".\Friends.s01.e02.mkv": Multiple audio stream detected.
- 0:
Language: ukr | Title: AC3 2.0 @ 192 kbps 1+1
- 1:
Language: eng | Title: AC3 5.1 @ 640 kbps
Please specify the extracting audio stream index: 1
Extracting audio to tmp5B84.mp3
Start transcription...
> ConsoleWhipser -i .\*.mp4 -o .\ --multithread --only-extract
Use multithreading will disable user input.
If media file has multiple soundtracks, program will extract the first one, you will NOT be able to choose.
If you are transcribing, make sure to have enough disk space to store the temp .wav file.
Proceed? yes(y)/No(N): y
Extracting audio to 1-mp4.mp3
Extracting audio to 2-mp4.mp3
Extracting audio to 3-mp4.mp3
Extracting audio to 4-mp4.mp3