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e2e with k8s v1.28.0 #425

e2e with k8s v1.28.0

e2e with k8s v1.28.0 #425

Workflow file for this run

name: end-2-end Helm Chart Tests
- main
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install kind with registry
uses: bakito/kind-with-registry-action@main
ingress_enabled: true
node_image: kindest/node:v1.28.0
kubectl_version: v1.28.0
- name: Build image
run: ./testdata/e2e/
- name: Install sealed-secrets
run: |
helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm install sealed-secrets sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets \
--namespace sealed-secrets \
--create-namespace \
- name: Install sealed-secrets-web with yaml format In-Cluster
run: ./testdata/e2e/ yaml ""
- name: 🏠 Install sealed-secrets-web with json format In-Cluster
run: |
helm delete sealed-secrets-web --namespace sealed-secrets-web
./testdata/e2e/ json ""
- name: 🏠 Run Tests In-Cluster
id: run_tests_in_cluster
# continue on error to show logs
continue-on-error: true
working-directory: testdata/e2e
run: ./
- name: 🏠 Print logs In-Cluster
run: |
echo '🏠 Pod logs (json format In-Cluster)' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo '```' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -n sealed-secrets-web -l -o name)
kubectl logs -n sealed-secrets-web ${POD_NAME} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo '```' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: 🏠 Fail if 'Run Tests In-Cluster' failed
if: steps.run_tests_in_cluster.outcome=='failure'
run: |
echo "Step 'Run Tests In-Cluster' failed: Check 'Run Tests In-Cluster' and 'Print logs In-Cluster' as well as the job summary for errors"
exit 1
- name: πŸ” Install sealed-secrets-web with json format and cert URL
run: |
helm delete sealed-secrets-web --namespace sealed-secrets-web
./testdata/e2e/ json http://sealed-secrets.sealed-secrets.svc:8080/v1/cert.pem
- name: πŸ” Run Tests Cert-URL
id: run_tests_certURL
# continue on error to show logs
continue-on-error: true
working-directory: testdata/e2e
run: ./ skip-validate
- name: πŸ” Print logs Cert-URL
run: |
echo 'πŸ” Pod logs (json format and Cert-URL)' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo '```' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -n sealed-secrets-web -l -o name)
kubectl logs -n sealed-secrets-web ${POD_NAME} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo '```' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: πŸ” Fail if 'Run Tests Cert-URL' failed
if: steps.run_tests_certURL.outcome=='failure'
run: |
echo "Step 'Run Tests Cert-URL' failed: Check 'Run Tests Cert-URL' and 'Print logsCert-URL' as well as the job summary for errors"
exit 1