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SDK Dumped by (legitnutty33)
You can't filter level 3 gear (always enabled)
- HOME -> Show / Hide Compass
- NUMPAD_0 -> Filter Throwables
- NUMPAD_1 -> Filter Attachments
- NUMPAD_2 -> Filter Scopes
- NUMPAD_3 -> Filter Ammo
- NUMPAD_4 -> Filter Weapons
- NUMPAD_5 -> Filter Level 2 Gear
- NUMPAD_6 -> Filter Meds
- F5 -> Item Offset X++
- F6 -> Item Offset X--
- F7 -> Item Offset Y++
- F8 -> Item Offset Y--
- NUMPAD_7 -> Scouting
- NUMPAD_8 -> Scout/Loot
- NUMPAD_9 -> Looting
- F9 -> Camera Zoom ++
- F10 -> Camera Zoom --
- F11 -> Toggle View Line
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP"
You can replay a PCAP file in offline mode:
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP" Offline
- Install Maven
- Add Maven to your environment PATH, screenshot below.
- Add MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, screenshot below.
- Install JDK8
- Add JAVA_HOME to your Environment Path, screenshot below.
- Use the command prompt to go to your VMRadar directory (with the src folder)
- type
mvn verify install
into the command prompt.
You can find detailed instructions on how to run a maven project here
- Install Virtual Box
- Install Virtual Box Extension Pack ( )
- Install Windows 7 x64 (64 bit) (!!!NOT Windows 10!!!) on the VM (recommended: 2gb ram, 16gb storage, 2 processors) Recommended: Use Windows 7 ultimate when installing
- Install and on the VM
- Install .Net framework 4.5:
- Go to settings of your VM, go to network, set attached to: 'Bridged adapter' and set promiscuous mode: 'Allow all'
- Go to settings of your VM, go to video, set video memory to max and enable both acceleration checkboxes.
- Run radar on VM.
- Press windows + r
- Type in msconfig and press enter
- Go to 'boot' and check 'safe boot'
- Apply/ok and restart VM (it will boot in safe mode)
- Go to VirtualBox toolbar and go to Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image...
- Press Windows + E and open the CD drive for guest additions
- Install, select Direct3D support when installing! Do not reboot after installation.
- Go to msconfig, boot, disable safe boot and restart to normal windows
- Go to command prompt (CMD)
- Type "ipconfig"
- Write your IPv4 address and default gateway down
- Use windows seacrh and look for ncpa.cpl
- Go to your internet adapter properties and then IPv4 properties and then check "Obtain an IP address automatically" and also "Obtain DNS server address automatically"
- Uncheck IPv6 and then just press OK
- Then go back to ncpa.cpl (should already be open)
- Press "alt" and go "File" from left top corner and there "New incoming connection"
- Add someone and make sure to remember username and password then go next
- check "Through the internet" then go next
- Go to IPv4 properties and make sure "Network access" is checked
- Under "IP address assignment" Check "Specifiy IP Addresses"
- Use your Default Gateway, to create a proper IP range for "Specify IP addresses" Example: gateway is, use to for the ip range. Then select "OK"
- Select "Allow access" and now we can move to our PUBG pc where we will play our games.
- For this computer also search for ncpa.cpl
- Go to your internet adapter properties and check "Obtain an IP address automatically" and also "Obtain DNS server address automatically"
- Uncheck IPv6 and press OK
- Go to your "Network & Internet" settings
- Go to "VPN" and from there "Add a VPN connection"
- These setting are recommended: VPN Provider: Windows (build-in) Connection name: random Server name or address: This is the IPv4 address that you wrote down first VPN Type: automatic User and Password as the ones you created earlier and now click save.
Now try to connect to your VPN and if it succeeded you are ready to go
Some image for both methods:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=14" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr IPv4') do set _IPaddr=%%a
echo YOUR IP ADDRESS IS: %_IPaddr%
set /p game=ENTER GAMEVM IP:
echo "%game%"
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar %_IPaddr% PortFilter "%game%"
@echo off
for /f "tokens=14" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr IPv4') do set _IPaddr=%%a
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar %_IPaddr% PortFilter %_IPaddr% Offline
- BTC: 1AM5iNRccK2Wsy5ACnraWtmpggck5m7DpL
- ETH: 0x399647447Ae6B9C568526f9F3159F08E5289c29c
- BCH: qr8r0weyw4qcmv3quvypw83qhz9vm3a7cyjdysvjzc
If someone still wanna donate for do instructions and etc