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AssemblyScript Asteroid Game

I'm currently working on bringing WebGL to AssemblyScript. I have a partial set of bindings that I have used for this game available on Github Here.

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There are two files in this project that allow you to use WebGL in AssemblyScript. The bindings in this project are incomplete. I will be adding more bindings into the ASWebGLue project on Github. If there is functionality you would like to see added to ASWebGLue, please contact me on twitter: @battagline or on the AssemblyScript Discord. Using WebGL requires the JavaScript glue file ASWebGLue.js and the AssemblyScript bindings in webgl.asc. This asteroid shooter game does not have a lot of features. I created it as a proof of concept for using WebGL from within AssemblyScript. My goal is to create a series of tutorials starting with a walkthrough of how I created this game and the WebGL bindings. More tutorials on Wasm Book.

WebGL Bindings

The AssemblyScript bindings are all inside of the webgl.asc file. I am using the AssemblyScript lang plugin for VS Code by BattleLine Games LLC. (that's me). The plugin provides syntax highlighting for asc files in your project. The .asc extension requires that you compile your AssemblyScript with the --extension asc flag when you compile your WASM file. The alternative is to use the .ts extension and rely on TypeScript syntax highlighting. One problem with the binding file is that AssemblyScript does not support function overloading. Because of this, I need to choose a single function signature to use unless I rename the function. I'm hoping this will change with later versions of AssemblyScript. The bindings file is a series of export declare function definitions corresponding to the functions in the webgl.idl, as well as type definitions. Most of the WebGL types are stored in arrays in the JavaScript glue code, with AssemblyScript passing integer values back and forth that are used as indexes into these arrays.

WebGL Glue

In this app, the JavaScript file AsteroidGame.js imports the following two functions from ASWebGLue.js:

import { initASWebGLue, ASWebGLReady } from './ASWebGLue.js';

The initASWebGLue function must be passed your import object. It populates the object with the glue code the game uses to make calls from AssemblyScript to WebGL. This file comes from an early version of the ASWebGLue. This version of the AssemblyScript WebGL glue code is not complete but has all of the functions required by this Asteroids game clone. The JavaScript glue code is located in the ASWebGLue.js file. The code in AsteroidGame.js imports the functions initASWebGLue and ASWebGLReady.

Until externref becomes available in WebAssembly, JavaScript objects like WebGLRenderingContext and WebGLProgram cannot be passed into or out of WebAssembly, so the glue code passes indexes into arrays for the WebGL objects that it requires. The arrays are defined with the following JS code:

  importObject.webgl.contextArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.textureArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.programArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.shaderArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.bufferArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.frameBufferArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.renderBufferArray = [];
  importObject.webgl.uniformLocationArray = [];

Most of the functions mirror the JavaScript WebGL functions. One exception is the canvas.getContext function. Instead of getting a context from a canvas object, the function createContextFromCanvas takes a canvas id and a context type string and both retrieve the canvas from the DOM and creates a rendering context on that canvas. Inside of AsteroidsGame.js the JavaScript must do several things that the AssemblyScript can not do. These tasks include capturing keyboard input, playing sound effects and the game's music, and initializing and calling the WebAssembly module.

WebGL bindings

The WebGL bindings are located in the webgl.asc file. The file declares the functions defined in the ASWebGLue.js code. This allows the AssemblyScript to make calls to the WebGL from AssemblyScript.

SHAMELESS PLUG from Rick Battagline

I make web games for a living, and if you want to help me out please play them when you're bored at work. (win, win)


An AssemblyScript asteroid shooter web game







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