- chromedriver.exe (put it into project root)
- geckodriver.exe (put it into project root)
- IEDriverServer.exe (put it into project root)
- SpecFlow for Visual Studio (2017)
- Markdown Editor
- Dotnet Extensions for Test Explorer
- SpecFlow
- SpecFlow.NUnit
- NUnit
- NUnit.Console
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- NUnitV2.Core
- ReportUnit
- SpecFlow.NUnit.Runners
- TestReport.SpecFlow
- Selenium.WebDriver
- Selenium.Support
- clone repository
- open 'Restore nuGetPackages' and install packages
- in 'Properties' for chromedriver.exe, geckodriver.exe and IEDriverServer.exe change 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Copy always'
- to customise location of 'TestReportSpecFlow' directory, go to App.config, find appSettings with key 'testResultFolder' and change its value
- add your .feature files with scenarios
- create custom steps class / steps classes
- generate steps- in .feature file open context menu and choose 'Generate Step Definitions'
- create custom page objects classes with methods
- delete example .feature files, steps classes and page objects classes
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --params:BROWSER=CHROME --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --params:BROWSER=FIREFOX --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --params:BROWSER=INTERNETEXPLORER --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --params:BROWSER=CHROMEHEADLESS --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-webdriver-manager\bin\Debug\specflow-webdriver-manager.dll --params:BROWSER=FFHEADLESS --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- run tests with Test Explorer
- or run .feature file / directory with .feature files / scenario in .feature file
- reportunit "NUnitTestResult" "NUnitReports"
Reports are placed in 'NUnitReports' directory, after generating them with commandline To run generated report in browser, open 'Index.html' file.
Reports are also placed in 'TestReportSpecFlow' directory, , including screenshots of failed scenarios To run generated report in browser, open 'TestReport.html' file