This is a repository for examples of how to use qtile by users. Below is a list of user configurations and their descriptions.
Documentation for the default configuration is available here and the code is available in the main qtile repo under libqtile/resources/
Config | Description |
cjbarnes | java support and application specific floating rules |
dwakar | themed widgets |
roger | dynamic groups, rule matching for windows |
rxcomm | Google Calendar widget |
tych0 | qtile development, multiple screens |
zordsdavini | various dmenu apps, screenshots, multiscreen, gmailwidget | | dynamic groups | | basic configuration | | python functions in config | | kinesis keyboard keybindings | | custom widgets | | debug layouts | | unicode-based window sorting | | custom window shortcuts |
emdete | simple, beautiful, useful: lots of keyboard shortcuts |
sweenu | broken up in several files, custom screenshots, backlight |
a13xmt | rooms and workspaces |
mort65 | rule matching, dynamic shortcuts, dropdown terminal |
oboingo | multiscreen, groups assigned to specific screens |
To contribute please fork the repo on github and make a pull request. Please also include in this README a short description of your config.