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Lazy sequences in Common Lisp. Mostly inspired by Clojure's lazy sequences, with some features of Heresy and Haskell.

CLOS generic methods are used to provide an extensible library of functions and macros for operating on sequences. Lazy evaluation is done using structures which can be in either a computed state with a head and a tail like a standard cons cell, or in a not-yet-computed state containing a generator function, usually a lambda closure. This is essentially the method used in Scheme streams. See the manual in notebook or pdf form for details of the internals.

Functions for creating sequences include lazy-seq, lazy-list, cycle, iterate, repeat, repeatedly, range and lazy-sort.

Functions for operating on lazy sequences include maps, zip, filters, reductions, lazy-cat.

Functions which evaluate lazy sequences include seq-elt, take, take-while, take-all, drop, drop-while, flush-seq, reduces, any and all.

Getting it

If you have Quicklisp installed then clone into your local-projects directory

$ cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
$ git clone 

then in your favourite lisp implementation

(ql:quickload :lazyseq)

(use-package :lazyseq)


Infinite sequences

The natural numbers 1 2 3 ... can be generated lazily with the lazy-seq macro. This delays evaluation of a given expression until it is needed.

(defun nats (n)
   (cons n (nats (1+ n)))))

Alternatively we can iterate the function 1+

(iterate #'1+ 1)

use a recursive list

(alazy-list* 1 (maps #'1+ self))

or, more efficiently, use an object representing a range:

(range 1)

The Fibonacci sequence can be defined using lazy-seq as

(defun fib (&optional (a 0) (b 1))
  "Lazily calculate the Fibonacci sequence"
   (cons b (fib b (+ a b)))))

or using maps and the anaphoric macro alazy-list*:

(alazy-list* 1 1 (maps #'+ self (tail self)))

or using scanl:

(alazy-list* 1 (scanl #'+ 1 self))

Mutually recursive sequences can also be defined

(lazy-labels ((evens (lazy-list* 0 (maps #'1+ odds)))
              (odds (maps #'1+ evens)))
    (take 4 odds))
 => '(1 3 5 7))

Prime numbers can be generated using the Sieve of Eratosthenes:

(defun sieve (s)
  (cons (head s)
        (lazy-seq (sieve (filters (lambda (n) (not (= 0 (mod n (head s)))))
                                  (tail s))))))
(take 10 (sieve (iterate #'1+ 2)))
=> (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)

or a more efficient alternative which shouldn't exhaust the stack:

(defparameter primes
  (alazy-list* 2 3 5 (filters (lambda (n)
                                (all (lambda (d) (not (zerop (mod n d))))
                                     (take-while (lambda (x) (<= (* x x) n))
                              (range 7 nil 2))))

(seq-elt primes 1000000)
=> 15485863

Lazy sorting

If only part of a sequence needs to be fully sorted, for example the highest 5 values from a list of 1000, then lazy sorting can be significantly faster than sorting the entire list.

;; Generate a list of 1000 random numbers
(defparameter nums
  (take 1000 (repeatedly
              (lambda () (random 10.0)))))

;; Create a lazy sequence representing the sorted list
(defparameter sorted-nums (lazy-sort nums #'>))
=> #<lazy:...>

(take 5 sorted-nums)
=> (9.998831 9.997225 9.989832 9.987843 9.98232)

;; The start of sorted-nums is now fully sorted but most is only
;; partly sorted i.e. known to be <= 9.961885
=> #<lazy:9.998831 9.997225 9.989832 9.987843 9.98232 9.961885 ...>


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