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Tutorial for making R package, website and Shiny app for JHU Biostat Advanced Data Science course

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Advanced Data Science - R Products Tutorial

Pre-tutorial slides can be found here!

This tutorial is designed for students enrolled in the JHSPH Biostat Department required course "Advanced Data Science." In this tutorial, we will

  1. build an R package from scratch,
  2. create a website for the R package using GitHub Pages, and
  3. build a Shiny app, which will use the R package we create!

The theme of this tutorial is Halloween candy! 🎃 🍬 Using data from this FiveThirtyEight blogpost, we will be building an R package and an accompanying Shiny app that visualizes the most popular candies (the rankings are done according to a series of pair-wise comparisons between candies - see the original blogpost for more details).

Before you start

Make sure you have the following R packages installed:

  • devtools
  • stats
  • RCurl
  • dplyr
  • ggplot2

Create an R package

First, we will build an R package that creates a barplot of the top-ranked candies using ggplot2 and push it to GitHub.

1. Create a new R project in RStudio

Let's start by creating a new local folder with an R package project:

  1. Open RStudio and select "New R Project" in the drop down menu in the top right corner of the window
  2. Select "New Directory"
  3. Select "R Package"
  4. Name your R package halloween (which will also be the name of the local folder housing the R package), and specify where you want this new directory to live locally. Make sure that "Create a git repository" is selected!

2. Create a new GitHub repo

Create a GitHub repository online and link it to the local directory of the R project. You can do so by following the steps in this GitHub help page, or by following these condensed steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and create a new repo called "halloween" (do not add a README or a .gitignore)
  2. Open a new Terminal/Git Bash console on your computer and make your way into your local "halloween" directory.
  3. Edit the code chunk below according to your own GitHub username, and then paste it line by line into the terminal (if you forgot to select "Create a git repository" when making your R project, don't worry! Before you enter the code below, run git init to initialize the repo):
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin[USERNAME]/halloween.git
git push -u origin master

Double check on the GitHub website to verify that the files have been pushed!

3. Download data for the R package

To download the data, keep the terminal window open and in the "halloween" directory. In order to actually attach the data file to the R package, we will need to save the data locally as a .RData file in the data/ folder. I've written an R script (found here) that does the following:

  1. Reads in the .csv file from FiveThirtyEight's GitHub Repo into R
  2. Saves the data frame as a .RData object in the data/ directory of the package.

You can either copy and paste the code from GitHub and run it manually in RStudio, or you can download and run the download_data.R script by following code into the command line:

mkdir data
curl > download_data.R
Rscript download_data.R

Let's break down what the code above does!

  1. mkdir creates a new directory within "halloween" called "data"
  2. curl reads the R script from this repo
  3. > funnels the output into a local file on your computer called 'download_data.R'.
  4. Rscript executes the script download_data.R from the command line*

*Windows Users: if you get an error that the Rscript command can't be found, then you may need to add the location of Rscript.exe to your path. Once you locate where the file lives, you can do so by executing the following command in Git Bash: export PATH="PATH:[insert path to Rscript.exe]"

Now check to make sure there's a file called candy_data.RData in your local data/ folder! If you downloaded the R script download_data.R, you can remove it now from your project folder (run rm download_data.R into the terminal console).

4. Add the necessary R function to the package

Our "halloween" R package will contain one function: plot_candy. This will take in a data frame, the number of top candies to plot, and the names of the columns specifying the candy name and ranking, and will produce a barplot from ggplot with the top ranked candies.

The script containing the plot_candy function is already written and can be found here. Again, you can either copy and paste the code from GitHub into a new R script in the "R" folder called "plot_candy.R", or you can run the following code in the terminal to automatically download the code:

curl > R/plot_candy.R

Just like when we downloaded the data above, curl reads the R script from GitHub, and > saves the output into a script located in your local R/ folder.

Next, make sure to get rid of the "hello.R" function and documentation, which you can also do so from the command line by entering the following:

rm R/hello.R
rm man/hello.Rd

Check to make sure that the script plot_candy.R is in the R/ directory of your project's folder.

5. Add documentation and build package

Now that the R function and the data are added to the project, it's time to add documentation!

First, let's add documentation for the plot_candy function. Notice that in the beginning of the plot_candy.R script, there is a section of code where every line starts with #'. This section of the code actually contains the documentation for the function - all we have to do is generate the .Rd file in the "man" directory! In RStudio, we will follow these steps:

  1. Load the devtools package
  2. Run the following code in the R console: devtools::document()

There should now be a file in the man/ folder called "plot_candy.Rd" (there will also be some code added to the 'NAMESPACE' file, but don't worry about that for now).

Next, let's add documentation for the package in the 'DESCRIPTION' file:

  1. Open the 'DESCRIPTION' file (either in RStudio or your preferred text editor)
  2. Add a title, your name, and a short description of the package in the appropriate fields
  3. Add the following chunk of code at the end of the file to make sure that the necessary R packages are imported:

It's now time to test the package! To do so, run the following command in RStudio:

devtools::check(document = FALSE)

If there are 0 errors, then you can build the package by pressing Command + Shift + B. The "halloween" package should now be loaded and functional!

6. Push the R Package to GitHub!

At this point, your "halloween" local folder should have all of the following files:

Now that all of the package necessities are complete, it's time to push the package to GitHub, so that it can be downloaded by its future users. There are two ways to do this: in RStudio (in the 'Git' panel), or in the terminal.

To push the package to GitHub in the terminal, execute the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m 'halloween package is functional'
git push

Check GitHub to see that your code has been pushed.

You have now successfully created an R package and pushed it to GitHub! 🎉 You can go ahead and close the "halloween" R package project.

Make a website for your R package

Now that we have created our R package, we can create a webpage for it using GitHub pages. GitHub Pages takes the README of a repo and generates a website from it. Websites for R packages can be incredibly useful for highlighting features of a package and for easily marketing the package to its potential users. We'll now walk through the steps to creating a webpage for our "halloween" R package:

If you are skipping the R Package section, please skip ahead to 1b.

1a. Add a

You may have noticed that our R package's repo thus far does not have a README. README files are super important to include with any repo in order to inform readers of any details they should know for installing/using/modifying your code. At the bottom of the repo's Code page, you'll notice an option to create a README for your repo:

There are two ways to go about adding a README file. The first is to click on this button, manually type in the text, and click "Commit new file." The other option is to create a new .md file locally in your "halloween" directory, add the new file using git and push it from the command line. For convenience, you can find a pre-written README for the "halloween" package here.

Similar to how we downloaded the code for the R package from this tutorial's repo, we can download and push the README as well by running the following code from the command line:

curl >
git add
git commit -m 'added README'
git push

NOTE: Make sure to replace all occurrences of '[USERNAME]' with your actual GitHub username!

1b. Fork the halloween R package from Github

If you are skipping the tutorial section on creating the 'halloween' R package, please fork the halloween R package from this repo. Forking the repo will create a replica of the package in your own account.

NOTE: Make sure to replace all occurrences of '[USERNAME]' with your actual GitHub username!

2. Turn the into a webpage

Now we're going to turn the README into a webpage!

  1. On Github, go to the "halloween" repo settings
  2. Under the section "GitHub Pages," select "master branch" as the source and then click "Save"
  3. Choose a theme for your website

By following the steps above, you will generate an additional file in your repo called _config.yml, which specifies how to format your webpage (according to the theme you choose).

Your webpage for your "halloween" package should now be live! Note that it may take a few minutes for the theme to actually load. You can access your website now at the following url:


Make a Shiny app using your R package

Last but not least, it's time to make a Shiny app to visualize the halloween candy ranking data! Shiny apps are great tools that allow users to explore and interact with data with ease. Check out this gallery for some cool examples of Shiny apps, and to get a better sense of the full extent to which you can use Shiny for impactful communication.

We're going to use the "halloween" R package to make a fairly simple app to visualize the top-ranked candies, where a user can easily subset the data by different characteristics (i.e. flavor, pieces vs. bar, number of top candies, etc).

1. Create an R Shiny Project

Similar to when we created the R Project for the "halloween" package, we will now create a new project for this Shiny app:

  1. Open RStudio and select "New R Project" in the drop down menu in the top right corner of the window
  2. Select "New Directory"
  3. Select "Shiny Web Application"

  1. Name your Shiny app candy_vis (which will also be the name of the local folder housing the Shiny app files), and specify where you want this new directory to live locally.

You'll notice that two files were created in this new project directory: ui.R and server.R:

  • ui.R will define how the web app appears to the user (i.e. the title, content, and fields for users to make inputs/selections)
  • server.R will define the objects that get included on the web app's page, which are reactive to the user's inputs (i.e. plots, text).

NOTE if you are using RStudio version 1.1.383 or later: The latest RStudio defaults to using one R script, app.R, to construct Shiny apps. If you create a project and just see app.R in the Source panel, ignore it for the purpose of this tutorial (the difference between the two formats is detailed here). We will be using the "older" Shiny format. You can delete the file by running rm app.R in the terminal.

I have created server.R and ui.R scripts that we will use to generate the Shiny app. They can be found here, and we will pull from them shortly!

2. Install the "halloween" package

Since we will be using our new "halloween" package, we will have to first download it from our respective GitHub repos!

  1. Load the devtools package in R
  1. Install the package using the install_github() function (don't forget to replace '[USERNAME]' with your real GitHub username below!)

3. Fill in the ui.R and server.R scripts

We will now add the necessary code to each of the files to make our Shiny app functional. Like in the tutorials above, you can either copy and paste the code manually from the individual R scripts into your local ui.R and server.R scripts, or you can pull the files directly from GitHub on the command line using the following code (make sure you direct to the 'candy_vis' folder on your machine before executing these commands!):

curl > ui.R
curl > server.R

Before we go ahead and deploy the Shiny app, let's break down what's happening in each of the scripts:

In the ui.R script:

  • sidebarLayout() is what defines that this webpage will have a sidebar where users can make selections and a main panel where text and figures (that react based on the selections) will live.
  • sliderInput() and checkboxInput() define elements of the sidebar where the user can make selections that alter what gets displayed in the main panel. Each function formatted as ___Input() defines a different way of specifying a parameter that the user can vary (i.e. checkbox, slider, free text field). For each ___Input() element, ui.R adds a corresponding object to a list called input, which contain the actual values that are communicated to server.R.
  • plotOutput() formats a plot object ('candyplot') that's created in server.R (see below).

In the server.R script:

  • Elements that were specified in ___Input() functions in the ui.R script are here referenced as input$n and input$bar. This is what makes the Shiny app reactive to user inputs!
  • The object candyplot is created using renderPlot() based on the selected input values. It is then plotted using plotOutput() in ui.R. In general, elements created using a render___() function in server.R will be brought to life by a corresponding ___Output() function in ui.R

4. Run the app to see what it looks like

Now that the ui.R and server.R files are complete, click on the "Run App" button to test out your Shiny app!

Clicking "Run App" should load a page in your browser that looks like this:

LET'S PRACTICE! Can you make the app print out the name of the cheapest candy in a sentence under the plot?

Hint: You will want to use the functions renderText() and textOutput() in the server.R and ui.R scripts, respectively!

5. Publish the app to share with the world!

In order to share your Shiny app with others, you'll have to publish the app. There are several ways to go about doing this, but we are going to use to deploy our app:

  1. Make an account on (for now, we're going to set up accounts under the free plan, which allows for 5 apps and 25 active hours (other plan options and their pricing are available at the bottom of their website)

  2. To connect your account to RStudio, start by following these steps in RStudio:

  1. Once you get to the screen above, follow the prompted instructions within your account to add create and copy a token into RStudio:

  2. Go back to the "Publish to Server" screen, make sure that both .R files are selected, and hit "Publish!"

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about building R packages and Shiny apps? Here are some useful books, blog posts and tutorials to check out:

R Packages:

Shiny Apps:

Blogdown Websites:

  • Blogdown book by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas and Alison Hill
  • This tutorial by Alison Hill is fantastic, and will have you up and running with a deployed website in an hour or less!


Tutorial for making R package, website and Shiny app for JHU Biostat Advanced Data Science course






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