](http://cocoapods.org/?q= KSPhotoBrowser)
](http://cocoapods.org/?q= KSPhotoBrowser)
- 4 different interactive dismissal animations(Rotation, Scale, Slide).
- 3 different background styles(Blur Photo, Blur, Black).
- 2 different loading styles(Determinate, Indeterminate).
- 2 different pager styles(Dot, Text).
- Support bounce animation.
- Optimized for image which has a very large height.
- Can display one or more images by providing either image urls or UIImage objects.
- Support Landscape orientation browse.
- Support video browse.
NSArray *urls = @[@"http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/a15bd3a5jw1f12r9ku6wjj20u00mhn22.jpg",
NSMutableArray *items = @[].mutableCopy;
for (int i = 0; i < urls.count; i++) {
// Get the large image url
NSString *url = [urls[i] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"bmiddle" withString:@"large"];
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[i];
KSPhotoItem *item = [KSPhotoItem itemWithSourceView:imageView imageUrl:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
[items addObject:item];
KSPhotoBrowser *browser = [KSPhotoBrowser browserWithPhotoItems:items selectedIndex:0];
[browser showFromViewController:self];
NSArray *names = @[@"a.jpg", @"b.jpg"];
NSMutableArray *items = @[].mutableCopy;
for (int i = 0; i < names.count; i++) {
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[i];
KSPhotoItem *item = [KSPhotoItem itemWithSourceView:imageView image:[UIImage imageNamed:names[i]]];
[items addObject:item];
KSPhotoBrowser *browser = [KSPhotoBrowser browserWithPhotoItems:items selectedIndex:0];
[browser showFromViewController:self];
- Update cocoapods to the latest version.
- Add
pod 'KSPhotoBrowser'
to your Podfile. - Run
pod install
orpod update
. - Import
- Download all the files of KSPhotoBrowser and add source files to your project.
- Manually install YYWebImage to your project.
- Import
This library requires iOS 8.0+
and Xcode 8.0+
KSPhotoBrowser is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.