Navigate a neon cube through a glowing endless map! Shrink as you go, grow by collecting cubes and dodge vibrant obstacles. Stay alive or explode into glowing pieces! ✨. This early release features fast-paced gameplay, a stylish design and challenges your reflexes.
Unity Play showcase version: Play the game on Unity Play
Latest version: Play the game on
Movement: Use the arrow keys or WASD.
Dodge the obstacles, collect the coins and collect the cubes to gain size.
Try to get the highest score as the pace of the game gradually increases.
Visual Effects::
- Retro Effect: Implemented a retro-inspired look with post-processing effects such as bloom, Panini projection, vignette, chromatic aberration, film grain, and motion blur.
- Atmospheric Fog: Added a fog effect to enhance the horizon.
- Grid Plane: Created a grid as the primary ground element for the retro style.
- Collectable Particles: Introduced particle effects to enhance the visual appeal of collectables.
- Leaderboard Integration: Added leaderboards to both the main menu and the game over panel, featuring name and score submission functionality.
- Menu Redesign: Redesigned the main menu and game over panel for improved aesthetics and usability.
- Theme Music Update: Replaced the main theme music with a new track.
- Sound Effects: Added sound effects for crashes, collectables, line changes, and button clicks.
Player Mechanics:
- Size increase and decrease.
- Acceleration depends on level maximum speed.
Game Systems:
- Game Over System: The player dies when the cube's size shrinks until their health bar is depleted.
- Player Health System: Player decreases in size over time and increases in size as player collect cubes. The health bar updates according to player size.
- Obstacle System: There are different types of obstacles: motionless, horizontally moving and vertically moving. They appear by random chance.
- Curved World System: The world is curved with a custom shader. The curve value is randomly generated on the X or Y axis.
Visual Effects::
- Custom Shaders: There ara custom shaders for curve and glow effects.
- Player Particle: Small neon cube particles are present for size loss effect.
- Player Trail: As the player speed increases, neon trails appear.
Player Mechanics:
- Horizontal line change movement with arrow keys. ( 3 line )
- Acceleration over time.
- Game Sounds: Background music.
Game Systems:
- Spawn Systems: There are spawn systems for ground, obstacles and coins.
- High Score and Coin Systems: There are level base and total count for score and coins. Used PlayerPrefs.
- Game Over System: When colliding with an obstacle, the camera shakes and the player turns into small cubes. Level data is reset.
- Main Menu: The starting screen where players can begin the game or exit.
- Game Over Panel: Displayed when the player die. It contain main menu and retry buttons.
Visual Effects::
- Post-Processing: Applied glow effects to the player, obstacles, coins, and ground to give a neon effect.
- TextMesh Pro(TMP): Texts are styled with glow effects for a polished UI experience.
This project uses various assets from the Unity Asset Store. Below are the credits and links to the assets used:
Sound Effects: