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    RT-Extension-Assets-Import-CSV - RT Assets Import from CSV

    This version of RT::Extension::Assets::Import::CSV requires RT 4.4, as
    that version of RT has Assets built in.

    If you're running RT 4.2 with the Assets extension, you should seek an
    older version of this extension; specifically, version 1.4.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    Edit your /opt/rt5/etc/
        Add this line:


        See "CONFIGURATION", below, for the remainder of the required

    Restart your webserver
    Run bin/rt-assets-import-csv
        See bin/rt-assets-import-csv --help for more information.

    The following configuration would be used to import a three-column CSV
    of assets, where the column titled serviceTag is unique:

        Set( $AssetsImportUniqueCF, 'Service Tag' );
        Set( %AssetsImportFieldMapping,
            'Name'           => 'description',
            'CF.Service Tag' => 'serviceTag',
            'CF.Location'    => 'building',
            'CF.Serial #'    => 'serialNo',

  Constant values
    If you want to set an RT column or custom field to a static value for
    all imported assets, precede the "CSV field name" (right hand side of
    the mapping) with a slash, like so:

        Set( $AssetsImportUniqueCF, 'Service Tag' );
        Set( %AssetsImportFieldMapping,
            'Name'           => 'description',
            'Catalog'        => \'Hardware',
            'CF.Service Tag' => 'serviceTag',
            'CF.Location'    => 'building',
            'CF.Serial #'    => 'serialNo',

    Every imported asset will now be added to the Hardware catalog in RT.
    This feature is particularly useful for setting the asset catalog, but
    may also be useful when importing assets from CSV sources you don't
    control (and don't want to modify each time).

  Computed values
    You may also compute values during import, by passing a subroutine
    reference as the value in the %AssetsImportFieldMapping. This subroutine
    will be called with a hash reference of the parsed CSV row.

        Set( $AssetsImportUniqueCF, 'Service Tag' );
        Set( %AssetsImportFieldMapping,
            'Name'           => 'description',
            'CF.Service Tag' => 'serviceTag',
            'CF.Location'    => 'building',
            'CF.Weight'      => sub { $_[0]->{"Weight (kg)"} || "(unknown)" },

    Using computed columns may cause false-positive "unused column"
    warnings; these can be ignored.

  Numeric identifiers
    If you are already using a numeric identifier to uniquely track your
    assets, and wish RT to take over handling of that identifier, you can
    choose to leave $AssetsImportUniqueCF unset, and assign to id in the

        Set( %AssetsImportFieldMapping,
            'id'             => 'serviceTag',
            'Name'           => 'description',
            'CF.Service Tag' => 'serviceTag',
            'CF.Serial #'    => 'serialNo',

    This requires that, after the import, RT becomes the generator of all
    asset ids. Otherwise, asset id conflicts may occur.

  Configuring Text::CSV_XS
    This extension is built upon Text::CSV_XS, which takes a number of
    options for controlling its behavior. You may have a different field
    delimiter, or byte-order-marking (BOM), for example, and need to enable
    configuration to support it. Options set in %AssetsImportParserOptions
    will be passed directly to new() in Text::CSV_XS:

        Set( $AssetsImportParserOptions, {
            binary     => 1,
            detect_bom => 1,
            sep_char   => '|',

    The only default option is binary => 1. More information is available in
    the Text::CSV_XS documentation.

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>

    All bugs should be reported via email to


    or via the web at


    This extension is Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Best Practical Solutions, LLC.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991