This app is divided in multiple packages :
is responsible for the user authentication, pdf generation and some static data servingfrontend
contains the main app logic
chip {
text key PK
text text
text udap_id PK
text value PK
clause {
text id PK
text label
text value
delegation {
text createdBy PK,FK
text delegatedTo PK,FK
report {
text applicantAddress
text applicantName
text contacts
timestamp_without_time_zone createdAt
text createdByEmail FK
text decision
text furtherInformation
text id PK
timestamp_without_time_zone meetDate
text precisions
text projectCadastralRef
text projectDescription
text projectSpaceType
text redactedBy
text serviceInstructeur
text title
report_to_clause {
text clauseId FK
text id PK
text reportId FK
udap {
text address
text city
text completeCoords
text department
text email
text id PK
text name
text phone
boolean visible
text zipCode
user {
text email PK
text name
text password
text temporaryLink
text temporaryLinkExpiresAt
text udap_id FK
report_to_clause }o--|| clause : "clauseId"
delegation }o--|| user : "createdBy"
delegation }o--|| user : "delegatedTo"
report }o--|| user : "createdByEmail"
report_to_clause }o--|| report : "reportId"
user }o--|| udap : "udap_id"
To achieve this, every table containing live values must be part of the "powersync" publication.
- Write SQL migrations in
pnpm migration:up
- Both packages use Kysely
pnpm backend pull-types
generated a single .d.ts file describing the database structurefrontend/src/db/AppSchema.ts
contains the schema that will be used against indexed-dbIt is quite similar to the generated .d.ts file except it uses SQLite types (so TIMESTAMP or JSONB becomes TEXT)