🖥️ | Canva Presentation
*We have created this Airline Ticket Booking Database System with our project team members
@nilsudincobut and @emirbahadırözdil by using MS SQL
Server database. Visual Studio has been used as an project IDE.
*Our Website name is ECOFLY
*We aimed to create fast and economic flight booking website experience for the users
*USER MODULE: Users can search flights, chose available seats on the seat screen. After payment calculation according to number of seats and fares, users can make the payment with a card, list their booked flights and print their tickets if they wish.
*ADMIN MODULE: Admin can list all existing flights, add/ remove flight, update/ rearrange available flight features (such as fare, from, to, hour, duration), admin can also list all the booked flights by the users with booking information and add/change pick up points for the boarding.
*Default data tables for passengers, flights, pick up points, booked flights etc. exists in the MS SQL Server; whenever a new booking happens new booking information recorded to the existing tables.