This repository presents an RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis conducted on e-commerce transaction data, covering the period from December 2010 to December 2011. The dataset contains over 500,000 transactions from a UK-based retailer specializing in unique gifts. Key features include invoice numbers, product descriptions, quantities, prices, and customer IDs, making it ideal for analyzing customer behavior.
The dataset was originally sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and is also available on Kaggle.
The primary goal of this project was to segment customers using RFM analysis, focusing on the following metrics:
- Recency: Days since the last purchase.
- Frequency: Total number of purchases by a customer.
- Monetary: Total spending of a customer within a valid range.
- The dataset was imported into PostgreSQL for structured analysis.
- Invalid and missing data were handled during the preprocessing stage.
- Recency: Calculated as the number of days since the last purchase.
- Frequency: Measured by the total number of purchases per customer.
- Monetary: Assessed based on total customer spending, filtered within a valid range to avoid outliers.
📄 SQL queries used for RFM calculations are available here.
- Analysis results were exported to Python for visualization.
- Bar charts and heatmaps were created to illustrate customer segmentation insights.
📊 Check the Python notebook here.
The RFM analysis identified distinct customer segments:
- High-Value Customers: Loyal customers contributing significantly to revenue.
- At-Risk Customers: Customers showing signs of churn.
- Low-Value Customers: Customers with minimal engagement or spending.
Below is the SQL code used for segmentation and a visualization of the final segmentation:
WITH recency AS (
WITH max_dates AS (
MAX(invoicedate) AS last_purchase_date
FROM rfm
WHERE quantity > 0 AND customer_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY customer_id
EXTRACT(DAY FROM ('2011-12-09 12:50:00'::DATE - last_purchase_date)) AS recency
FROM max_dates
frequency AS (
COUNT(*) AS frequency
FROM rfm
WHERE quantity > 0 AND customer_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY customer_id
monetary AS (
ROUND(SUM(quantity * unitprice)::NUMERIC, 0) AS monetary
FROM rfm
WHERE quantity > 0 AND customer_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING ROUND(SUM(quantity * unitprice)::NUMERIC, 0) BETWEEN 10 AND 10000
-- Segmenting the customers based on RFM scores
COUNT(customer_id) AS customer_count
recency_score::TEXT || '-' || frequency_score::TEXT || '-' || monetary_score::TEXT AS rfm_score,
WHEN recency_score = 5 AND frequency_score >= 4 AND monetary_score >= 4 THEN 'High-Value Customers'
WHEN recency_score >= 4 AND frequency_score >= 3 AND monetary_score >= 3 THEN 'Loyal Customers'
WHEN recency_score <= 3 AND frequency_score >= 2 AND monetary_score >= 2 THEN 'At-Risk Customers'
ELSE 'Low-Value Customers'
END AS Segment
NTILE(5) OVER (ORDER BY r.recency DESC) AS recency_score,
WHEN f.frequency >= 1 AND f.frequency <= 10 THEN 1
WHEN f.frequency > 10 AND f.frequency <= 50 THEN 2
WHEN f.frequency > 50 AND f.frequency <= 200 THEN 3
WHEN f.frequency > 200 AND f.frequency <= 1000 THEN 4
END AS frequency_score,
NTILE(5) OVER (ORDER BY m.monetary ASC) AS monetary_score
FROM recency r
INNER JOIN frequency f ON r.customer_id = f.customer_id
INNER JOIN monetary m ON r.customer_id = m.customer_id
) AS rfm_scores
) AS segmented_customers
GROUP BY Segment
ORDER BY customer_count DESC;
Below is a visualization showcasing the customer segments derived from the analysis:
The analysis highlights distinct customer segments, emphasizing the following:
- At-Risk Customers (1,696 customers): These customers were once engaged but have recently become inactive. Targeted campaigns and personalized offers could help bring them back.
- Low-Value Customers (1,508 customers): This group shows limited engagement and spending. It may not be worth prioritizing resources here, but monitoring their behavior can uncover future opportunities.
- Loyal Customers (812 customers):These customers are consistently engaged. Keeping them satisfied with relevant communication and ongoing value is key to maintaining their loyalty.
- High-Value Customers (215 customers): Though small in number, these customers are highly profitable. Exclusive offers and tailored rewards can strengthen these valuable relationships.
Feel free to explore the repository and reach out with any questions or feedback! 😊 Thank you for your time and interest!