A Feature-Rich Android File Downloading Library in Kotlin with Parallel Download and Pause/Resume Capabilities
Byte-Stream is a robust and customizable file downloading library for Android written entirely in Kotlin. It simplifies the file downloading process in Android applications by providing extensive support for parallel downloads, pause/resume capabilities, and fine-grained download control.
- Versatile Downloads: Supports various file types (e.g., jpg, png, gif, mp4, mp3, pdf).
- Pause and Resume: Download files with the flexibility to pause and resume tasks.
- Multiple Parallel Downloads: Download files simultaneously with configurable parts.
- Customizable Notifications: Receive notifications with download progress, speed, and time left.
- Observable Progress: Track download status through Flow.
- Error Handling: Retry failed downloads or cancel them directly.
Add JitPack repository to your
:dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } // Add JitPack } }
Add Byte-Stream dependency in your
file:dependencies { implementation 'com.github.bibekanandan892:Byte-Stream:alpha.0.0.1' // Replace with latest version }
Initialize Byte-Stream in your Application onCreate()
class DownloadApplication : Application() {
lateinit var byteStream: ByteStream
override fun onCreate() {
byteStream = ByteStream.create(applicationContext)
private lateinit var byteStream: ByteStream
url = "https://sample-videos.com/video321/mp4/480/big_buck_bunny_480p_20mb.mp4",
path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).path,
fileName = "Video${UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 10)}.mp4",
tag = "Video",
metaData = "158"
Cancel: Cancel a download using its ID or tag:
byteStream.cancel(downloadId) // Cancel by ID byteStream.cancel(tag) // Cancel by tag byteStream.cancelAll() // Cancel all downloads
Pause: Pause a download using its ID or tag:
byteStream.pause(downloadId) // Pause by ID byteStream.pause(tag) // Pause by tag byteStream.pauseAll() // Pause all downloads
Resume: Resume a paused download using its ID or tag:
byteStream.resume(downloadId) // Resume by ID byteStream.resume(tag) // Resume by tag byteStream.resumeAll() // Resume all downloads
Retry: Retry a failed download using its ID or tag:
byteStream.retry(downloadId) // Retry by ID byteStream.retry(tag) // Retry by tag byteStream.retryAll() // Retry all failed downloads
Delete: Delete a download from the database (optionally, skip file deletion):
byteStream.clearDb(downloadId) // Delete entry and file by ID byteStream.clearDb(downloadId, false) // Delete only the entry, not the file byteStream.clearDb(tag) // Delete entries by tag byteStream.clearAllDb() // Clear all entries byteStream.clearDb(timeInMillis) // Delete entries older than specified time
Enable notifications by setting up in the Byte-Stream builder:
class DownloadApplication : Application() {
lateinit var byteStream: ByteStream
override fun onCreate() {
byteStream = ByteStream.create(applicationContext) {
configureNotification {
enabled = true
smallIcon = R.drawable.download_icon
permissions. Check out the sample app for reference.
- Custom Headers: Provide custom headers for download requests.
- Parallel Download Parts: Set the number of parts for parallel download.
- Custom Timeout: Configure connection and read timeout values.
- Multi-part download.
- Many bug fixes.
Ketch - The design and functionality of Byte-Stream were inspired by Ketch, which provided valuable insights into structuring efficient downloading features.
PRDownloader - A special mention to Amit Shekhar, whose work on PRDownloader has been a significant learning resource. From his library, I gained a deep understanding of file download processes and best practices in Android development, which contributed to the development of Byte-Stream.
Copyright (C) 2024 Bibekananda Nayak
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.