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NETELLERgo Hosted Payment

Getting Started


This section outlines some common use scenarios of the NETELLER REST API.

All examples in this section use cURL, which is a command line tool for transferring data using protocols such as HTTPS.

Obtain your sandbox or production account details

The NETELLER REST API implements the OAUTH2 standard for authentication. Below are the steps to follow when first setting up your application. The same steps should be completed on both sandbox and production environments. You must complete all of these steps before you can attempt to obtain an access token for use in your REST API request.

  1. Verify that NETELLER REST API is enabled for your merchant account.

If the API is not enabled, please contact NETELLER Merchant Support to have it enabled.

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  1. Register the IP addresses that will be allowed to access the API

When registering your secure API IP addresses, you must ensure you are using the IP(s) of your networks outbound gateway. If you are working within a corporate network, or are sitting behind a proxy, you may have to contact your administrator to help identify the appropriate IP address(es)

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  1. Register your application to obtain your API credentials

Your must register your application by providing the appropriate detail about its name, where it will be hosted, and what the primary contact email is to be. You may also choose to upload an application logo that will provide your customers brand recognition if you are planning to implement the authorization flow.

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You are now ready to obtain an access token to use in your REST API request. Please refer to the 'Authentication' section for more information on how to obtain an access token.

API Endpoints

The NETELLER REST API is available in the sandbox environment for integration testing purposes. To switch between the sandbox and the live production system you only need to change the endpoint URI and the credentials.

The following endpoints form the basis of a resource URI:

Sandbox (Testing) endpoint -

Production endpoint -

As the sandbox environment is completely isolated, any changes you perform on your sandbox accounts configuration (such as secure IP registration, APP registration) may have to be repeated in your production account.

Create an order

The first step in using the NETELLERGO! hosted payment flow, is to create an order. The order may, or may not, contain a detailed list of all items / fees / taxes that you wish to collect payment for. NETELLER recommends you provide as much detail as possible in the order request, as the more detail you can provide, the more likely you customer is to complete the payment as they will have a better understanding of how the total purchase amount was calculated.

Your request should include redirect_urls for where you would like your customer to be returned depending on the outcome of the attempt to collect payment.

Redirect customer to hosted_payment URL

NETELLER will respond with a unique order id, details of the order request, and a HATEOAS link for the hosted_payment flow that you redirect your customer to.

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Once NETELLER has completed the request, the customer will be directed to the appropriate redirection url as supplied in your create order request.

Verify status of payment invoice

When you enable webhooks from your merchant account portal, NETELLER will notify when the status of the order changes and allow you to take appropriate action. Additionally you can query for the order status or order invoice status to verify your payment. Refer to the order and invoice object for more information on the various status definitions.

The order lookup will also provide related HATEOAS links, including the related invoice and payment.

When specifying neteller as paymentMethod for a NETELLERgo! order, the value will be ignored as your checkout will be prefilled from supplied billingDetails instead.


A webhook allows you to define an HTTP callback that will be POST to when an event occurs that you would like to be notified of. You can define the notification URL and select which events you wish to be notified of from your merchant account portal.

Webhooks will be sent whenever the state of the resource changes. Certain activity may lead to the same event being sent more than once.

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Responding to a webhook

To acknowledge that you received the webhook without any problem, your server should return a 200 HTTP status code. Any other information you return in the request headers or request body will be ignored. Any response code outside the 200 range, including 3xx codes, will indicate to NETELLER that you did not receive the webhook.

If your system did not respond with a valid HTTP 200 status, NETELLER will continue to retry the request with an escalating time delay for up to 48 hours

Secure webhooks (recommended)

NETELLER recommends that you use one of the following forms of authentication on your webhook URLs

HTTP Basic Authentication - Use basic authentication syntax in your webhook URL:

Format : https://{username}:{password}@{webhook_url} Example :

Secret Key - Provide a secret key that is passed back as part of the webhook event notification body.

Format : https://{webhook_url} Example :

The secret key should not be shared with anyone.

Test Member Accounts

The following member accounts are available in the sandbox environment for testing purposes. These accounts should never be used in production and are only intended for use in testing with the endpoint. The password supplied here can be used for testing the Authorization flows for a particular account.

Currency Account ID Email Address Secure ID Password AED 451323763077 315508 NTt3st1! AUD 451823760529 521652 NTt3st1! BGN 450424149137 354380 NTt3st1! BRL 452124231445 907916 NTt3st1! CAD 455781454840 755608 NTt3st1! CHF 452324249609 372993 NTt3st1! DKK 459734233011 856751 NTt3st1! EUR 453501020503 908379 NTt3st1! GBP 458591047553 411392 NTt3st1! HUF 450824149649 363552 NTt3st1! INR 450824016049 332880 NTt3st1! JPY 452604251512 490055 NTt3st1! MAD 453123727913 796289 NTt3st1! MXN 456444237546 878408 NTt3st1! MYR 452724116521 108145 NTt3st1! NGN 450924006321 205750 NTt3st1! NOK 455394172769 418852 NTt3st1! PLN 451823629489 654091 NTt3st1! RON 450424018097 860647 NTt3st1! RUB 455121038904 888470 NTt3st1! SEK 453313818311 173419 NTt3st1! SGD 451523741861 316938 NTt3st1! TND 453523858985 588931 NTt3st1! TWD 451723748785 711009 NTt3st1! USD 454651018446 270955 NTt3st1! ZAR 453523842837 708904 NTt3st1!

For detail api integration guide :

For integration help, Contact us :


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