Watch the video on youtube.
- User Documentation - How to use BillaBear as a user
- Technical Documentation - Technical information for hosting and integration
- Swagger - The REST API docs for integration
- Fully customisable Invoice, Receipt, and Email templates
- White Label Billing - Handle multiple brands
- Voucher Management
- REST API for integration
- Multiple Email Integrations - SendGrid, MailGun, and Postmark
- Expired Card Notifications - including the ability to offer incentives to add a card.
- Multiple Subscriptions per customer - Add add-ons.
- Ability to have Custom Plans and Custom pricing
- Stripe Billing Data Import
- Stripe Billing Integration
- Ability to Migrate away from Stripe Billing
- Invoice payment type for Enterprise customers
- Per Seat billing
- Webhooks to listen for billing events
- Workflows
- Integrations with Slack, Freshbooks, Xero, Mailchimp, EmailOctopus, etc