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Pulumi Integration Testing Framework


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Pulumi Integration Test Framework

License Python Version Status Coverage Status CircleCI

pitfall is a Python integration testing framework for Pulumi Infrastructure as Code. It enables and encourages end to end testing to avoid errors, assumptions, and other pitfalls.

Note: This project is no longer maintained. See: #14


pitfall can be installed via pip:

$ pip install pitfall


pitfall has been tested against versions 1.2.0 - 1.4.0 of Pulumi and will strive to work with the latest Pulumi release.

Warning: this is alpha software. There are no guarantees of backwards compatibility.


pitfall is intended to be used in integration tests to verify the desired state of infrastructure provisioned by Pulumi.

It will do the following:

  • create a temp directory to store Pulumi code and state
  • copy the contents of the current directory (and all subdirectories) to the temp directory
  • move into the temp directory
  • create a new Pulumi project file: Pulumi.yaml
  • create a new Pulumi stack file: Pulumi.<stack name>.yaml
  • initialize a new Pulumi state file in .pulumi/
  • install Pulumi plugins
  • execute pulumi preview
  • execute pulumi up
  • execute pulumi destroy
  • delete the temp directory

pitfall supports a context manager to automatically do the above.

pitfall does not use the Pulumi Service backend.


  1. Basic S3 Example - provision a AWS S3 bucket and verify that required tags have been set on it
  2. Advanced S3 Example - provision a AWS S3 bucket to host a static website and verify that it's functional
  3. AWS VPC ComponentResource Example - provision a AWS VPC using a ComponentResource


Context Manager

pitfall includes a context manager to automatically setup a test and execute the Pulumi workflow:

from pitfall import PulumiConfigurationKey, PulumiIntegrationTest

directory = '/path/to/pulumi/code'
opts      = PulumiIntegrationTestOptions(cleanup=True, preview=True, up=True, destroy=True)

with PulumiIntegrationTest(directory=directory, opts=opts) as t:

The context manager will create a temporary directory for the test, copy the entire contents of directory to the temporary directory, generate the Pulumi Project and Stack files, initialize a new Pulumi local state file, install Pulumi plugins, and execute pulumi preview, pulumi up, and pulumi destroy. Upon exit, the context manager will delete the temporary directory.

To control automatic execution of Pulumi commands, temporary directory deletion, and verbosity, set desired options with PulumiIntegrationTestOptions.

Configuration and Secrets

pitfall supports Pulumi Configuration and Secrets:

from pitfall import PulumiConfigurationKey, PulumiIntegrationTest
import os

dbpassword = os.urandom(32)

config = [
    PulumiConfigurationKey(name='aws:region', value="us-east-1"),
    PulumiConfigurationKey(name='dbpassword', value=dbpassword, encrypted=True)

t = PulumiIntegrationTest(config=config)


When t.setup() is called, the Pulumi stack file (Pulumi.<stack name>.yaml) will automatically be created with the supplied configuration. Configuration keys are automatically namespaced with the name of the Pulumi Project and Secrets are encryped using the password set by the environment variable PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE:

$ cat Pulumi.pitf-stack-91c13928d11648be.yaml

  aws:region: us-east-1
    secure: v1:6UEXewJReYiPCgrg:fOFTB4ODFyZB0bvHA2lhoZJ3khCOQCkX8n5OhLXjgSECbu+WrcIQ+wl0HaZhZ/4v
encryptionsalt: v1:GEHe83S30O0=:v1:s8vb7cVFSz64pUmv:Ff5AbbcbTSim8cBwDCQCwraGHEQQ/A==

Pulumi State

pitfall exposes the Pulumi state as a Python object PulumiState. Both the current and previous state are accessible as Class properties. The resources in the current state file can be viewed and searched:

t = PulumiIntegrationTest()

resources = t.state.resources

for i in resources:
    print(i.urn,, i.type)

resources.providers  # {"pulumi:providers:aws": 1}

resources.types  # {"aws:s3/bucket:Bucket": 1, "pulumi:pulumi:Stack": 1}

results = resources.lookup(key="type", value="aws:s3/bucket:Bucket")

s3_bucket = results[0]

print(  # pitfall-basic-example-649ce5f

print(s3_bucket.outputs["arn"])  # arn:aws:s3:::pitfall-basic-example-649ce5f

Stack Outputs

pitfall collects Pulumi Stack outputs, so that they can be accessed in tests:

with PulumiIntegrationTest(directory=directory, opts=opts) as t:
    outputs = t.get_stack_outputs()

    s3_bucket_arn = outputs["s3_bucket"]["arn"]

Resources Graph

pitfall can export the resources in the Pulumi state file as a DOT file:

with PulumiIntegrationTest(directory=directory, opts=opts) as t:
    resources = t.state.resources

View the DOT file:

$ cat ~/

digraph tree {
    "aws:s3/bucket:Bucket (pitfall-basic-example-649ce5f)";
    "pulumi:pulumi:Stack" -> "aws:s3/bucket:Bucket (pitfall-basic-example-649ce5f)";

This DOT file can then be viewed using the dot command or online at

Test Helpers

pitfall includes useful helper classes and functions that can be used in integration tests. These can be found under pitfall/helpers.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
PULUMI_HOME ~/.pulumi the location of Pulumi's home directory
PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE pulumi the password for encrypting secrets

If they are set, they will be inherited by pitfall.




nose2 is used for unit and integration testing.

pulumi must be installed for tests to pass.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are located in /tests.

To run the unit tests:

$ make test

End to End Tests

End to end tests are located in e2e/.

  1. testing using localstack

e2e tests that use localstack are located in e2e/localstack. These tests require localstack running locally in a container.

To run localstack:

$ make run-localstack

Run the e2e tests:

$ make e2e-test-localstack
  1. testing using AWS

e2e tests that use AWS are located in e2e/aws. These tests require an AWS account and valid AWS API keys.

Run the e2e tests:

$ make e2e-test-aws


We encourage the following contributions at this time: user feedback, documentation, bug reports, and feature requests.


pitfall was built upon the Python libraries listed in its Pipfile.


Copyright 2019 Ali (@bincyber)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.