You can use following maven commands to run your application. #Run Java Program
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.jhh.Main"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="akka.Main" -Dexec.args="com.jhh.HelloWorld"
#Run Scala Program
scala -Dlog4j.configuration=conf/ target/java_abstract-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar conf/template-application.conf
mvn scala:run -DmainClass=com.jhh.App -DaddArgs="arg1|arg2|arg3"
#Assembly all project into a single jar file
mvn clean compile assembly:single
mvn clean compile package
After the above command, there are two jar files would be generated:
- a jar file with all depandent packages
- a single jar file only containing the project source code
#Change main and premain class file in pom file You need to revise the pom file to specify a new main/premain class entry if you want to a new one in your code. The default value is ""
There are two properties in the pom file
- project.main.class: Set the main entry of all project
- project.main.class: Set the premain entry of Java instrumenttion
java -cp {all needed depandency package } -jar {the target jar file}
For example
$ pwd
$ ls
README.MD pom.xml src target test.iml
$ java -jar target/test-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Hello World from Scala
In the pom file, "{package}.ScalaApp" is set as the main entry class of the project. If you want to switch to "{package}.JavaApp", you just modify pom file