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Sprelay – program for controlling K8090 relay card.

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  • Windows operating system
  • git – to clone the Sprelay repository. You can get git from here.
  • Qt > 5 – to compile the program. You can get it from here.
  • MinGW – it can be installed with Qt (32bit compiler) or downloaded for example with MSYS2 suite from here. From MSYS2 terminal, you can also download and install Qt library for 64 mingw (description).
  • CMake build system, you can get it from here.
  • Doxygen – for documentation compilation, you can get it from here.
  • dot – for graphs in documentation, it is part of the GraphViz library, you can get it from here.
  • python – for running tests, you can get it from here.
  • K8090 relay card drivers – download

Make sure that the CMake, Doxygen, GraphViz and Python binaries are in the PATH variable.

In our case, the relay card has to be connected to 32bit Windows XP, so you can't use the last versions of the dependencies, the last version of git supporting Windows XP is 2.10.0, Qt can't use ANGLE so, the last compiled officialy suplied version with OpenGL is 5.4.2 and last supported python version is 3.4.

Getting Started

To get you started you can clone the Sprelay repository and compile program with Qt. The documentation is created by Doxygen and dot program from GraphViz library.

Obtaining Sprelay application

Clone the sprelay repository using git:

git clone

If you just want to use Sprelay without the commit history then you can do:

git clone --depth=1

The depth=1 tells git to only pull down one commit worth of historical data.

Then go to project folder (cd sprelay) and download submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive


Command line compilation

Open the Qt Console (it should run qtenv2.bat to setup environment, for example C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /A /Q /K C:\Qt\Qt5.4.2_mingw\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qtenv2.bat). Then navigate to the project directory and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^

You can skip CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Application is then installed to default destination ("C:\Program Files" on Windows, "/usr/locaL" on Linux). the application is built as shared library and library includes are placed inside include folder if BUILD_STANDALONE is omited or set to OFF, The tests are not built if MAKE_TESTS is omited or set to OFF.

If you want to build only shared library without gui, you can use SKIP_GUI define:

cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ^

Sprelay application depends on enum_flags library. The library is searched in system path first and if not found, the internal enum_flags copy is used. If you want to specify different location of enum_flags you can set enum_flags_ROOT_DIR variable. If you want to force usage of enum_flags distributed with the application you can specify MAKE_ENUM_FLAGS=ON. For example if you have installed enum_flags at c:\libraries\enum_flags, you can invoke

cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DMAKE_ENUM_FLAGS=OFF ^

Then run your make command, for example (-j flag enables compilation paralelization)

mingw32-make -j2
mingw32-make test      # optional if you built tests and want to run them
ctest -V               # to run tests with detail output
mingw32-make test ARGS="-V" # the same as above
mingw32-make doc       # optional if you want to make documentation
mingw32-make install   # optional if you want to install the application, see
# above

After make process finishes, go to the bin directory and try to run the program

cd C:\path\where\you\want\the\application\installed\bin

Compilation using Qt Creator

Open the CMakeFiles project file in the top directory and cofigure it for appropriate compiler. Add arguments as discussed above.

Then compile the documentation by executing

doxygen Doxyfile

from command line from the build project folder.