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Releases: biospi/seamass-viz


14 Apr 01:52
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Improved stream ordering, and updated to work with seaMass v0.2.0.1, which supports SWATH datasets.

Precompiled executables coming soon.


20 Jan 01:33
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Release supporting the paper:

  • Y Zhang, R Bhamber, I Riba-Garcia, H Liao, RD Unwin, AW Dowsey, Streaming visualisation of quantitative mass spectrometry data based on a novel raw signal decomposition method, accepted with minor corrections.

Windows executables for seamass-pwiz, seamass and seamass-viz plus example data and a tutorial are available for download, below.


12 Dec 03:20
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Initial release. Windows executables for seamass-pwiz, seamass and seamass-viz plus example data available for download, below.

NOTICE: This seamass-viz version will crash if you request a region outside of the actual LC-MS dataset. However, if you request a region larger than the dataset, it will shrink to fit, so it is recommended to start visualisation by requesting a range such as 0-10,000 m/z and 0-10,000 mins.