New features:
- Warn users placing below the price market orders (e.g. 20% off market price) #445
- Feedback while adjusting collateral slider #451
- Account orders history on Exchange
- Markets overview page redisign, improved market search functionality
- Add 24h change and volume to markets list
- Improved favorite/unvoriete markets functionality
- Added support for deposits/withdrawals on blocktrades.us in bridge mode
- Added filtering and current supply to Assets overview
- Added TRADE.MUSE, METAFEES and OBITS to default favorite markets
Bug fixes:
- Fixed several spelling and typos issues
- Issue building with the latest node.js on Windows #481
- "Promise not defined" build issue #488
- Orderbook and market history colors are missing for some numbers #490
- "Borrow Asset" window resets on new block on some accounts #505
- Animation on create account page - helps to safe space
- Fix asset creation fee estimation