Decorator based, AOP, easy CRUD template for NestJS
Generate CRUD end points automatically with an entity.
This is an experimental & WIP project.
Note: this is a branch of a private project. The crud part will be transfered from original repos from time to time.
So this updates in this repo will be delayed.
We created a simple CRUDUser class, and generated CRUD end points for it. see demo
// required fields, array and regex are supported
requires: /.*/,
// will check name.length > 3
expect: (x) => > 3,
// when returing, sort id ascending
sort: { id: 'ASC' }
@CRUD({ name: 'crud-user' }) // name this as crud-user
@IgnoreField(['id']) // id field is ignored by FasterCRUD
export class CRUDUser {
// $.* decorators are from FasterCRUD, by adding them, FasterCRUD can track them in validation, search, etc.
// The frontend options can be specified in the decorator
@$.Number('ID', { column: { width: 50 }, form: { show: false } })
id: number
@$.Text('Name', {
search: { show: true },
column: { resizable: true, width: 200 },
name: string
@$.NumberDictSelect(['User', 'Admin'], 'Type')
type: number
This generates 5 end points:
- POST /crud-user/create
- POST /crud-user/update
- POST /crud-user/delete
- POST /crud-user/read
- GET /crud-user/docs
Note that, docs
end point will return the metadata of the generated contents, including 4 end points above, and the entity itself. This can be used as data dictionary for frontend.
$ pnpm install
# development
$ pnpm run dev