Kick off your Ecommerce Website with OneShopper project you can build you site with this, We have used Gatsby + Contenful and snipcart.
Live Demo:
Setup this site.
Use the Gatsby CLI to Clone this site.
# Clone this Repositories gatsby new OneShopper
Setup Contentful Models
Use contentful-cli to import the models from oneshopper.json
contentful space --space-id <CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID> import --content-file oneshopper.json
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd OneShopper npm install gatsby develop
Setup your Own Configure Projects.
Enter your own key
- spaceId = Key
- accessToken = Key
- snipcart = Key
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.Open the
directory in your code editor of choice and editsrc/pages/index.js
. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!
Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Gatsby lives on the website. Here are some places to start:
For most developers, we recommend starting with our in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.
To dive straight into code samples, head to our documentation. In particular, check out the Guides, API Reference, and Advanced Tutorials sections in the sidebar.