This is a very small and lightweight library that simplifies working with media queries to create adaptability on the site.
- To work with this library, you will need to install sass in your project (obviously):
npm install sass -D
- To install the library, run this command:
npm install lite-breakpoints -D
WARNING: You need to initialize the global variable $lite-variables in order to set breakpoints for your project. After that, you need to import the library itself into a scss file.
// breakpoints.scss
$lite-breakpoints:(xs: 0,
sm: 375px,
md: 560px,
lg: 900px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1400px);
@import "~lite-breakpoints";
That's all! Now you can use convenient mixins for adaptivity in your projects. Good luck!
// another-file.scss
@import '@path/to/breakpoints';
.text {
@include breakpoint-up(lg) {
color: red;
.container {
@include breakpoint-down(xl) {
width: 200px;