Boost your productivity with Vue Boost - work smarter, not harder.
Inspired by Vitesse
π File based routing
π² PWA
π¨ TailwindCSS
π I18n ready
π₯ Use the new
<script setup>
syntax -
π₯ APIs auto importing - use Composition API and others directly
𧩠Reuseable Components - a little something to improve productivity
π¦Ύ TypeScript, of course
- TailwindCSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- Iconify - use icons from any icon sets πIcΓ΄nes
- MDI Fonts - Material Design Icons (this can also be used from Iconify)
- Parent Folder
- Button - Reusable button component
- Editor - Rich Text Editor Component
- Input - Form input component (Types: text, email, and password)
- File - File upload component
- Textarea - Textarea component
- Modal - Reusable modal component
- Phone - Phone number validation component
- Select - Select dropdown component
- Submit Button - Submit Button with loader upon request
- Table - Data table component
- Table Action - Table Action component (view, edit and delete)
- Samples Folder
- You can find out how to use these components in the Samples folder or visit Vue Boost Dashboard for the visualization
- Vue Router
- file system based routing
- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api
- components auto importunplugin-auto-import
- Directly use Vue Composition API and others without importingvite-plugin-pwa
- PWA- Vue I18n - Internationalization
- unplugin for Vue I18n
- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- manipulate document head reactivelyvite-plugin-vue-inspector
- jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatically- Axios - make requests on the go
- Vuelidate - form input field validation libray for Vue
- Vue Toastification - toast notifications for Vue
- Tailwind Elements - reusable vue components for Tailwind
- Vue Select - flexible dropdown list for Vue
- Vue-tel-input - mobile number validation library for Vue
- Vue3 Lazy - image lazy/skeleton loader for Vue
- Vue3 Quill Editor - text rich editor for vue
- Vue3 Apexcharts - Vue 3 component for ApexCharts to build interactive visualizations in vue.
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint.
- TypeScript
- VS Code Extensions
- Vite - Fire up Vite server automatically
- Volar - Vue 3
<script setup>
IDE support - Iconify IntelliSense - Icon inline display and autocomplete
- Tailwind IntelliSense - Icon inline display and autocomplete
- i18n Ally - All in one i18n support
- ESLint
- Vue Boost + Nuxt 3 - Vue Boost for Nuxt 3.
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history
npx degit blade-01/vueboost my-template
cd my-template
pnpm i or yarn i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm
When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly
- Change the author name in
- Change the title in
- Change the hostname in
- Change the favicon in
- Clean up the READMEs and remove routes
And, enjoy :)
Just run and visit http://localhost:3333
pnpm dev
yarn dev
To build the App, run
pnpm build
yarn build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that is ready to be served.
Deploy anywhere.
To boost our collective productivity as developers.