**Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure**
**Integrated Observatory Network (ION)**
eoi-services - Classes and services for acquiring and publishing data from external sources
(C) UC Regents, 2010-2012
This project contains modules, utilities, and services for acquisition of data from external sources within the OOICI-ION infrastructure. The repository is first and foremost a framework, designed to be extended with concrete implementations that facilitate data acquisition from specific data sources. However, it also contains concrete External Data Handler implementations for the services listed below:
- WaterOneFlow (not yet, but very soon!)
Additional concrete implementations may be added to this repository over time. The repository can also be used as a library to allow implementation of concrete External Data Handlers by other projects.
EOI Development Page
EOI Architecture Page
This assumes basic development environment setup (git, directory structure). Please follow the "New Developers Tutorial" for basic steps.
Pyon: The main dependency of this repository is the pyon Capability Container. Follow the listed steps to install the minimal needed dependencies to run pyon on a Mac. For more details and Linux install instructions, check out the pyon README
Install the following if not yet present:
git 1.7.7: Download the Mac or Linux installer and run it
OS Packages and package management: For Mac, use homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)"
python 2.7 see below for installation
- couchdb 1.1.0 (optional if memory mockdb is used) see below for installation
rabbitmq 2.6.1 or later (recommended, but can use rabbitmq on amoeba) Download generic Linux version and unpack into a suitable directory. Note: May need erl (Erlang) and some dependencies installed before
Install libevent, libyaml, zeromq, couchdb, python, and rabbitmq with Homebrew
brew install libevent libyaml zeromq couchdb python rabbitmq
You can even reinstall git using brew to clean up your /usr/local directory Be sure to read the pyon README for platform specific guidance to installing dependent libraries and packages. Linux: Note that many installs have much older versions installed by default. You will need to upgrade couchdb to at least 1.1.0.
Python packages and environment management:
easy_install pip
virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper modules for your python 2.7 installation
easy_install --upgrade virtualenv easy_install --upgrade virtualenvwrapper Note: This may require Mac's XCode (use XCode 3.3 free version)
Setup a virtualenv to run COI-services (use any name you like):
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.7 eoi Note: Do not use the pyon virtualenv if you are a pyon developer
###Compiled Library Dependencies hdf5 library
brew install hdf5
brew install netcdf
###Other OOI-CI Project Dependencies
This project requires that both the pyon and coi-services projects are installed in the same directory as the pydap-handlers-ion project (typically the "Dev/code" directory if the OOI-CI development directory structure is used). These projects can be obtained using the following commands:
git clone git@github.com:ooici/coi-services.git
git clone git@github.com:ooici/pyon.git
Obtain the eoi-agents project by running:
git clone git@github.com:ooici-eoi/eoi-services.git
cd eoi-services
Build the project using buildout (don't miss the -d flag on the first command):
python bootstrap.py -d
#Generate Interfaces and Submodules
Before unit tests will pass, the following commands must be run (See below for further information about submodules):
git submodule update
#Unit and Integration Tests The unit and integration tests for this project can be run as follows. Note that the -v flag can be used to get verbose output (prints the name and result of each test that is run). The --with-coverage flag can also be added to view a test coverage report.
##Running the Unit Tests
The unit tests for this project only require that a rabbitmq broker be running:
bin/nosetests -a UNIT,group=eoi
##Running the Integration Tests
Currently, the integration tests are only "psuedo" integration tests - they do not rely on any other ION services at this point, but they do reach out to external data servers for data:
bin/nosetests -a INT,group=eoi
You can develop services locally in this repository. Use this repository until subsystem specific repositories are available.
Please follow the following steps as long as you are new:
Get the latest code before you start editing, or anytime you want:
git pull
git submodule update # Do NOT forget. This does not happen automatically
See below for an automated approach to git-submodules.
Once in a while, service interfaces change. Generate interfaces frequently (especially in case of error):
Before defining objects, services in ./obj, or defining app and deploy files in ./res, checkout the master branch:
cd extern/ion-definitions
git status # Just to see what's going on
git checkout master # To track the master branch (enables update and later push)
git pull origin master # To get latest from the server
Note: The res/ and obj/ dirs are symlinks to a subdirectory in a git submodule. Beware of the pitfalls of git submodule. You need to treat it as a separate GIT module. In case of changes, both GIT modules must be pushed, submodule first:
cd extern/ion-definitions
git status # Just to see what's going on
git commit -am "Something smart"
git push origin master
cd ../.. # To the root of coi-services
git commit -am "Something smarter"
git push
Put your services in ion/services//... (subdirectories are allowed).
#Git Submodule Hooks
A git hook is a script that executes during various points of using git. Some simple hooks have been written to help automate dealing with submodules for most people. See the steps here: http://blog.chaitanyagupta.com/2009/08/couple-of-hooks-to-make-life-easy-with.html
They do require an initial setup. Simple instructions:
Clone this repository:
cd /some/tmp/directory
git clone https://github.com/chaitanyagupta/gitutils.git
Use the provided install script:
sh gitutils/submodule-hooks/install.sh /path/to/your/pyon/or/coi-services/dir
The install script does the following (you can also do it manually):
cd /your/pyon/.git/hooks
cp /your/tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/pre-commit pre-commit
cp /your/tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/post-merge-commit post-merge
ln -s post-merge post-checkout
chmod +x post-merge post-checkout pre-commit
Now, when checking out a branch, pulling, merging etc, git will prompt you to automatically update if it notices a change to the commit that your supermodule points to.
The pre-commit script is so you don't forget to push changes to the submodule BEFORE you push changes to the supermodule.