Python client library for interacting with Mango Markets V4.
This project is unmaintained. It is not feature complete and probably will not work. If you're interested in becoming a maintainer please reach out in Discord
is available as a Python package on PyPI and can be installed as:
pip install mango-explorer-v4
Assuming that you have a SOL wallet already set up, visit to create a Mango account and fund it so that you can place orders.
import asyncio
from mango_explorer_v4.mango_client import MangoClient
from solana.keypair import Keypair
from base58 import b58decode
async def main():
mango_client = await MangoClient.connect()
# General data functions:
print(await mango_client.orderbook_l2('SOL/USDC'))
print(await mango_client.fills('SOL-PERP'))
# It is possible to livestream both orderbook & fills, look for incremental_*.py in the examples folder
# Fill in your Mango account public key e.g 9XJt2tvSZghsMAhWto1VuPBrwXsiimPtsTR8XwGgDxK2
mango_account = await mango_client.get_mango_account('PUBLIC_KEY')
# You can look up any Mango account using
print(await mango_client.balances(mango_account))
print(await mango_client.equity(mango_account)) # Account Value
# Fill in output from Phantom's "Export Private Key" e.g 2pvKRVh ... 1fL5qGq
keypair = Keypair.from_secret_key(b58decode('SECRET_KEY'))
# Place a limit order
print(await mango_client.place_order(mango_account, keypair, 'SOL/USDC', 'bid', 10, 0.1, 'limit'))
# Place an oracle pegged perp order:
await mango_client.place_perp_pegged_order(
price_offset=-5, # Will always be $5 under oracle price
peg_limit=10, # If the oracle price moves $10 or more, the order will expire
# Cancel all orders
await mango_client.cancel_all_orders(
# There's a simple quoter, using atomic cancel-replace in examples/
Please make sure you're running mango-explorer-v4@0.7.3 or above - these instructions don't apply to older versions.
You can find a collection of example code here. These are to be run as command-line tools, with the simplest being the symbols retrieval function, executable as:
python -m mango_explorer_v4.examples.symbols
# Output:
# [
# {
# 'name': 'SOL/USDC',
# 'type': 'spot',
# 'base_currency': 'SOL',
# 'quote_currency': 'USDC',
# 'maker_fees': ...,
# 'taker_fees': ...
# }
# ... all order symbols
# ]
Examples may take arguments, which are specified in their source files. The equity function for example, takes a Mango account primary key, whilst the order book retrieval takes a symbol & (optional) depth. These can be specified in the shell like this:
python -m mango_explorer_v4.examples.equity --mango-account 9XJt2tvSZghsMAhWto1VuPBrwXsiimPtsTR8XwGgDxK2
# Outputs the Account Balance at
python -m mango_explorer_v4.examples.orderbook_l2 --symbol SOL-PERP --depth 5
# Outputs the first 5 orders in the book at
Some transactions, like order placement, require a keypair. On Phantom wallet it can be fetched as follows:
With the keypair at hand you can place orders using:
python -m mango_explorer_v4.examples.place_order \
--keypair [KEYPAIR] \
--mango-account [MANGO_ACCOUNT] \
--symbol SOL-PERP \
--side bids \
--price 1 \
--size 0.1
And cancel them later as:
python -m mango_explorer_v4.examples.cancel_all_orders \
--keypair [KEYPAIR] \
--mango-account [MANGO_ACCOUNT] \
--symbol SOL-PERP
Support is available on the Mango Markets Discord server - post in the #dev-discussion
channel for any questions or feature requests.