This repository contains information about the course on Advanced Data Analysis and Machine Learning, spanning from weekly plans to lecture material and various reading assignments. The emphasis is on deep learning algorithms, starting with the mathematics of neural networks (NNs), moving on to convolutional NNs (CNNs) and recurrent NNs (RNNs), autoencoders, transformers, graph neural networks and other dimensionality reduction methods to finally discuss generative methods. These will include Boltzmann machines, variational autoencoders, generalized adversarial networks, diffusion methods and other.
- Lectures Thursdays 1215pm-2pm, room FØ434, Department of Physics
- Lab and exercise sessions Thursdays 215pm-4pm, , room FØ434, Department of Physics
- We plan to work on two projects which will define the content of the course, the format can be agreed upon by the participants
- No exam, only two projects. Each projects counts 1/2 of the final grade. Alternatively one long project.
- All info at the GitHub address
- Permanent Zoom link for the whole semester is
- Feed forward neural networks and its mathematics (NNs)
- Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
- Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
- Graph neural networks
- Transformers
- Autoencoders and principal component analysis
- Basics of generative models
- Boltzmann machines and energy based methods
- Diffusion models
- Variational autoencoders (VAEe)
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Autoregressive methods (tentative)
- Basic set up of PINNs with discussion of projects
All teaching material is available from this GitHub link.
The course can also be used as a self-study course and besides the lectures, many of you may wish to independently work on your own projects related to for example your thesis or research. In general, in addition to the lectures, we have often followed five main paths:
Projects (two in total) and exercises that follow the lectures
The coding path. This leads often to a single project only where one focuses on coding for example CNNs or RNNs or parts of LLMs from scratch.
The Physics Informed neural network path (PINNs). Here we define some basic PDEs which are solved by using PINNs. We start normally with studies of selected differential equations using NNs, and/or RNNs, and/or GNNs or Autoencoders before moving over to PINNs.
The own data path. Some of you may have data you wish to analyze with different deep learning methods
The Bayesian ML path is not covered by the present lecture material. It is normally based on independent work.
January 20-24: Presentation of couse, review of neural networks and deep Learning and discussion of possible projects
- Presentation of course and overview
- Discussion of possible projects
- Deep learning, neural networks, basic equations
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapters 6 and 7 and Raschka chapter 11
- Video of lecture at
- Mathematics of deep learning, basics of neural networks and writing a neural network code
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapters 6 and 7 and Raschka et al chapter 11. For Pytorch see Raschka et al chapter 12.
- From neural networks to convolutional neural networks
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapters 6 and 7 and Raschka et al chapter 11. For Pytorch see Raschka et al chapter 12.
- Mathematics of convolutional neural networks
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapter 9. Raschka et al chapter 13
- Mathematics of CNNs and discussion of codes
- Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapter 9. Raschka et al chapter 13
- Mathematics of recurrent neural networks
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapters 9 and 10 and Raschka et al chapters 14 and 15
- Recurrent neural networks and codes
- Long-Short-Term memory and applications to differential equations
- Graph neural network (GNN)s
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapters 10 and Raschka et al chapter 15 and 18
- GNNs
- Autoencoders and PCA
- Slides at
- Recommended reading Goodfellow et al chapter 14 for Autoenconders and Rashcka et al chapter 18
- Autoencoders and links with Principal Component Analysis. Discussion of AE implementations
- Slides at
- Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapter 14
- Monte Carlo methods and structured probabilistic models for deep learning
- Partition function and Boltzmann machines
- Boltzmann machines
- Slides at
- Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapters 16-18
- Restricted Boltzmann machines
- Reminder on Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibbs sampling
- Discussions of various Boltzmann machines
- Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapters 16, 17 and 18
- Slides at
- Implementation of Boltzmann machines using TensorFlow and Pytorch
- Energy-based models and Langevin sampling
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapters 18.1-18.2, 20.1-20-7; To create Boltzmann machine using Keras, see Babcock and Bali chapter 4
- See also Foster, chapter 7 on energy-based models
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Variational autoencoders
- Reading recommendation: Goodfellow et al chapter 20.10-20.14
- See also Foster, chapter 7 on energy-based models
- Slides at
- Variational Autoencoders
- Diffusion models
- Reading recommendation: An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders, by Kingma and Welling, see
- Slides at
- Summarizing discussion of VAEs
- Diffusion models
- Summary of course and discussion of projects
- Slides at
o Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville, Deep Learning at
o Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi Lie, and Vahid Mirjalili, Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn at, see also
o David Foster, Generative Deep Learning,
o Babcock and Gavras, Generative AI with Python and TensorFlow,